40 Trending modern staircase design ideas and stair handrails

full guide to choose, design and install a perfect modern staircase design, expert tips for stair handrails, spiral staircase designs, LED stair lights and collection of other contemporary staircase design ideas

The staircase designs are something more than a simple element that connects different heights. Much more. In addition they can even become the decorative epicenter of our house with just a few steps and a lot of originality and design. There are many different styles of stair designs, different materials and shapes, as well as sizes.

modern wooden stair design ideas

When you have a house with two floors, the solution to go up to the second floor is one of the decisions that must be taken into account, in the execution of the project, the type of staircase design ideas, the style, the materials to be used, everything depends on the space with accounts and the style of your house. If you have enough space, modern stairs designs with two branches, or straight, if the space is small, a spiral staircase or helical, is what you need.

Modern interior stairs and staircase design ideas and trends
The designers of the modern staircase ideas are struggling for the reliability of the structures and tend to make them invisible to create the feeling that we did not climb the stairs, but just soared up.
 minimalist hanging stair  with metal structure
 minimalist hanging stairs with metal structure
We will see different designs of stairs that range from modern stairs, classic, utilitarian, to rustic designs that can go very well in some spaces both internal and external of the house. You will also have the necessary notions to the modern staircase design and stair railing and handrails of your home and choose the shape and style that perfectly suits what you are looking for.

Modern Staircase design forms

There are more than a dozen forms of stairs, but we will mention the most used for housing both inside and outside of it.
  • Linear or single-stage stairs
  • Stairs in the shape of "U"
  • staircase in the shape of "L"
  • Oblique and circular stairs
Each type of staircase has different parameters for the design, for example in some cases it requires a rest stop, however, in cases of circular or oblique stairs the step is continuous in most cases.

wooden staircase design with glass handrails

Measures of each step of the staircase
A standard measure is 29 cm for the step (where we place the foot) and 17 cm for the counter (height of each step). It must be borne in mind that these measures can change according to the height of the ceiling of the house, by example in the spiral staircase design these measures are reduced to be able to turn comfortably.

Modern Staircase design ideas and styles

The style depends a lot on the design of the house, the elements such as the stair handrail, steps and counterbalances can be for example the material and color of the walls, if you use the wood in your house recursively these same elements should be applied to the modern staircase design. Do not worry about the images that we will see in this article you will be able to have ideas to choose from, be it a contemporary staircase, rustic, classic or even artistic model for what you are looking for something out of the ordinary.

modern staircase designs with wooden structure
modern staircase designs with wooden structure
The options are various from the structure to the prefabricated in materials diversity. There are many variants with varying amplitude that can even be regulated. All in function of adapting to the space we have for it. Interior staircase design ideas are many. So it is common that we do not know where to start. From here we are going to give you some clues to find the ideal stair design.

The stairs design ideas can be grouped in different styles. Spiral staircase design, retractable, straight lines or U shaped. The first thing to select the right one is to know the place where you will install. Study the area carefully and think about how it will be used. This way we can make a choice that in the end does not disappoint us. Interior staircase ideas and the design that is chosen should allow spaces to communicate.

wooden contemporary stairs designs with metal handrails
wooden contemporary stairs designs with metal handrails

How to design a perfect indoor staircase

Are you thinking of remodeling the house and want to change the interior stairs design? Designing a staircase is a challenge. To do that you have to have a lot of parameters in mind. Design, dimensions, use of space, materials, how it adapts to decoration, and so on. In addition, security and functionality are two fundamental elements to consider. Therefore, today we will talk about some tips for designing stairs . 
modern staircase ideas for wooden stair railing
modern staircase ideas for wooden stair railing
You must bear in mind that a well-designed staircase design must have at least 80 cm. wide and an angle less than 42ยบ. In case you want a hanging structure (with steps attached to a single wall), it must have handrails on both sides if it is wider than 1 meter.

In terms of materials, modern stair designs use both metal and glass. In some cases, the steps are glass and metal, with a very light aesthetic appearance. They are typical of modern houses or interior design minimalist style.

In addition to the material and style, you can consider the design of spiral stairs that can be ideal for places with little space. The helical design allows you to decorate a spiral stairs in various ways. On the contrary, I can tell you that they do not allow you to transport large objects from one level to another. 

Also, if you have limited space, you can choose a modern staircase design of multifunctional stairs that allow you to store things under them and even try some options that allow you to deposit things inside drawers in the steps themselves.

modern staircase ideas floating stairs with glass railing
modern staircase ideas floating stairs with glass railing

According to height:
We have to take into account several factors. One of these is the dimensions of the place we have for its placement. Regarding this last aspect there are two variants.
If you have little space available in the room, you will have to use the walls obligatorily. However if you have more meters and can afford it then you can go more towards the center of the room. 

If the height is low, access to the second level will be faster and therefore you will need less steps so I recommend a modern staircase without breaks. If the height of the room that determines the next level is larger, then it will be necessary to  make a staircase breaks, as it is ideal since the access and passage from one level to another will be much more comfortable.
wooden staircase design ideas for under stairs storage
wooden staircase design ideas for under stairs storage

How to choose your modern stair design

We will have a clearer idea starting at the installation site. Today's post is dedicated to the interior stairs so the materials are many. Starting with a true classic that is wood. Using wood on the inside stairs design ideas with any style brings warmth. Much difference space in this detail for its great decorative effect.

In several staircase design ideas we see styles with metallic finish. A perfect material that is similarly very decorative. If you are looking for a modern staircase design style it is a good idea to combine wood and metal. The other detail to take into account obviously is the space. When it comes to small space or the entrance we start with the spiral stair designs.

contemporary wooden staircase design and decorating ideas
contemporary wooden staircase design and decorating ideas
For those lucky enough to live in a duplex, loft, chalet or multi-storey detached house, today we propose a very special way to give a touch of design to your modern staircase: focus on the stair handrail.
Element usually forgotten in the stair designs, the latest trends offer modern stair handrails ideas that will make our staircase look spectacular.

Modern stair handrail design options

The stair handrail design is one of the defining elements of a staircase. The usual thing is that it consists of a more or less conventional handrail that is supported both at the ends and along the stairway by several vertical bars. It is therefore an element not only aesthetic but practical, which helps us to support ourselves while climbing the stairs, either because we have sprained ourselves, because we have elderly people at home or for simple comfort.

contemporary staircase design with wooden stair handrails
contemporary staircase design with wooden stair handrails
However, despite the fact that its design has so far been very conservative, it is an element to which much creativity can be applied when proposing creative reform. With modernist or minimalist airs, embedded, with ropes, in wood or stone, the options are as wide as the imagination. Let's see some examples that can inspire more than one ;-)

Modern stair Handrails integrated into the wall

This type of modern staircase designs with handrails "embedded" in the walls that flank the staircase allow us to generate a very attractive and modern point of attention. Whether in stone, wood, metal or in a combination of them, they are also the perfect candidates to apply LED indirect lighting as we will see in the next section.

contemporary stair handrails ideas integrated into the wall

Illuminated modern staircase handrails

We have already commented on more than one occasion how light, wherever it is used, decorates any space by itself and the LED stair lighting was  not going to be an exception. The designs of backlit handrails give a very dynamic character to this space, getting a perfect LED indirect light for its route, acting additionally as orientation light  that marks the way.

staircase railing with LED stair lights
staircase railing with LED stair lights

Original staircase handrail designs

Another way to give originality to our staircase is to focus in the shape of the stair handrail design. Currently, these types of designs are very popular due to their attractiveness and originality, and they do not always mean a high cost of the project, as it allows us to reuse pieces or remaining material from the construction of the staircase.
When the stair handrail design goes whole in the same material without joints, the finish is homogeneous and generates a very powerful decorative impact.
We can also combine pieces and small sections of different materials, which gives a very interesting appearance.

original staircase handrails designs
original staircase handrails designs

Metal stair handrails
The metallic handrails, whether steel , aluminum , copper  in matte gold , give a very modern touch to the decoration. Its malleability makes the designs are infinite and can be customized to fit the design, as can be seen in these examples with different finishes and aesthetic results, and can even give them a touch of color

metal staircase handrails for wooden stairs designs
metal staircase handrails for wooden stairs designs

Wooden handrails

Classic material among the classics, wood offers infinite shapes and applications to interior design. The repetition has always been an ally of the design and the wood lends itself especially to it, guaranteeing us always warm finishes and a constructive resistance at prices for all pockets according to the chosen quality.

wooden stair handrails

Organic handrails
Undoubtedly the most pointer in the design of this type of elements is linked to materials that allow us to generate organic designs.  Although in this sense the Corian  is the king, there are nevertheless other materials that lend themselves to it, such as wood slats, plastic and even certain steels or aluminum.

staircase handrail ideas

Spiral staircase design ideas for interior stairs

In interior design, modern spiral staircase design are one of the popular options. There is a great variety of versions and styles. It is a point in your favor when selecting a design for your home.

contemporary wooden spiral stairs design with metal staircase handrails
contemporary wooden spiral stairs design with metal staircase handrails
The spiral staircase design ideas are also the best when it comes to small or narrow spaces. As we see in the images this does not mean that they do not look perfect in larger environments. In this case we have the possibility to take advantage of the sculptural effect they offer.

wooden spiral stairs designs with aluminium structure
wooden spiral stairs designs with aluminium structure
It can be converted into a detail of great aesthetics and with an artistic touch for our interior. So we propose to give you some keys to select yours. At the moment of selecting the spiral stairs designs, the main thing will be the space.

modern spiral staircase design ideas with original stair handrails
modern spiral staircase design ideas with original stair handrails

In the images we show its use in interior spaces. However, there is always the possibility of using them abroad. Under these conditions the spiral stairs must have resistant materials. The steel stainless is one of those solutions like other metals with treatment. This way they will be able to resist the effect of the rain or the changes of temperature without problems.

metal spiral staircase ideas with creative stair handrail design
metal spiral staircase ideas with creative stair handrail design
As we mentioned, they are one of the favorite solutions for places where the use of another type of staircase designs is impossible. Think first of all about the comfort and functional aspect of your modern staircase design. Assess the use and what is needed for the spiral stairs designs. Remember that it is something that we will use frequently, so in addition to being comfortable, it should look in harmony with the rest of the elements. An adequate width and steps of a specific height are some of the things that we should not overlook.

wooden spiral staircase design ideas
wooden spiral staircase design ideas
Another important point especially for interiors is the style of the staircase and its aesthetics in general. They are a type of spiral stairs designs that visually are of great impact. Which makes many sites become the visual accent par excellence. A spiral staircase design will look perfect when it comes to environments with mixed styles. Like the designs that combine several materials.

It is precisely in these cases where the modern staircase completes all the style giving it personality. If you intend to create an air of exclusivity in the same way the impact of the staircase will be perfect. The contrasts, material and colors are aspects that can help make it stand out. For a modern staircase design that is intended to be integrated in a more harmonious environment, it is best to use soft colors.

Important tips for choosing spiral stairs

Like materials, everything must be based on the simplicity of the forms. If it is about the interior, the wood has a fairly widespread use. It is a durable material when it has the appropriate treatment. In the same way, its warm effect on the overall environment makes it very special. At the other end would be the metal ones if you prefer a more modern cut environment.
classic metal staircase with spiral structure and pendant stair lights
Both materials combined in the same way will look perfect in many interiors. Finally yet importantly least in the selection is the aspect of security. This can not be overlooked and you should always pay attention to the stability of this type of spiral staircase design. The materials must be anti-slip especially when it comes to outdoor accesses such as terraces.

spiral staircase designs attached to wall

A suitable stair handrail design in the same way can not be missing and in this the location of the staircase is essential. The staircase railing must occupy the whole spiral staircase structure to avoid falls and increase our security.  In the case of rope handrail it can be used to complement another type of railings with a great design.

LED stair lighting ideas

We end the post with ideas to decorate home with LED stair lighting. that if you have a loft , a two-story duplex or a multi-story room,  staircase LED lighting is the best way to give a touch of design without needing to decorate anything more.

modern LED stair lighting ideas

Currently LED technology  has made it much easier to install lighting in any interior element, also improving its aesthetics. Although LEDs have been a trend for some years, they are still in the development phase and the future is undoubtedly theirs, since their efficiency, durability and lower consumption also work very well both in public places and in homes and the staircase lends itself as No other element to this type of technology since the area of passage needs more guidance light  than general lighting. In addition, both its longitudinal shape and its low height make it the natural habitat for LED strips.

LED stair lighting for handrails
LED stair lighting for handrails
Despite this, LEDs are not the only way to get decorative stair lighting ideas. Recessed, surface, indirect or manual luminaries are different options used in both interior and exterior, commercial or residential projects. Below we will see some examples for you to see the different techniques of integration of electrical systems , as well as the different types of colors and color temperatures you can choose to inspire you. Let's go there!

floating staircase designs with stair lighting
floating staircase designs with stair lighting

Amazing 3D flooring art, 3D epoxy floor murals installation

 In the last few years self-leveling epoxy 3D floor art has become very popular among floor coverings, and gradually replace the old and usual coatings that have been used for decades, such as linoleum, tiles, parquet and carpets.

Art of 3D bathroom flooring murals with epoxy floor coating
 3D bathroom flooring art murals with epoxy floor coating
A complete guide to installing a 3D floor art as a self-leveling epoxy painted floor, with awesome inspiring 3D flooring murals and designs for all rooms

We recommend you to read: 3D flooring tiles designs for all rooms

3D flooring art from public to interior floors

A footbridge over a bottomless precipice where you never fall; an exotic beach at your feet framed by a palm tree that extends on the wall; Spiderman climbing between buildings until reaching the floor of the children's room . The magic of 3D floor art is transforming interior design into a visual game where the rooms rub against the impossible, opening up virtually to new spaces.
The concept is the same as some street artists who paint on the pavement 3D flooring art and perspective drawings, except that, now 3D flooring murals are gaining more popularity in the decoration of the houses to obtain surprising and personalized effects adjusted  to the tastes and imagination of each client .

bathroom 3D flooring art designs for epoxy coating floors
bathroom 3D flooring art designs for epoxy coating floors

Advantages of 3D Epoxy flooring murals

The main advantage of 3D epoxy floors is their durability, as manufacturers of materials for 3D floors give a guarantee of about 15 - 20 years. As far as you can see, the bulk 3D flooring designs are seamless and monolithic. This structure of 3D floors murals is very convenient for hostesses, as it does not require every day to calculate the seams of tiles, or every week knock out carpets.
It is enough just to vacuum or sweep it. The pouring 3D flooring look very nice, and therefore before you make the self-leveling 3d floor art in your home, think about the interior and the general combination with wallpaper and furniture.

3D flooring art 3D epoxy floor murals for bedroom
3D flooring art 3D epoxy floor murals for bedroom

3D epoxy flooring for bathrooms

 Filling this type can serve you more than 20 years, provided that you will take care of them and properly operate. Installing 3D floor art need courtship and constant cleaning. Since there are always different grains of sand on it, they can deliver very strong discomfort to the owners, because it is through such grains on it that in the course of time small scratches may appear that will damage the appearance of the 3D flooring murals.

oceanic 3D flooring murals 3D epoxy floor painting art
oceanic 3D flooring murals 3D epoxy floor painting art
 But you ask: can I somehow remove scratches? Answer: Of course you can. To remove scratches, a special tool is used, called polishing for fiberglass. It can be bought in construction shops or found on the Internet store. It's enough just to sprinkle polish on the 3D epoxy floor and gently wipe it with a sponge. And it will shine as before.
3D flooring art with epoxy coating for bedroom floors
3D flooring art with epoxy coating for bedroom floors
These surfaces are the maximum expression of exclusivity, the possibility of turning any artistic design into a passable and resistant 3D flooring design", explained in the article: All secrets of epoxy painted 3D flooring art.
The self-leveling floor is smooth, even - it lacks joints, which facilitates its cleaning - with a soft texture, and also isolates the heat and moisture. In addition, it is very resistant, both to extreme temperatures and to friction and chemicals, otherwise, the designs would soon be affected by the use.

3D epoxy flooring art murals for bedroom floors
3D epoxy flooring art murals for bedroom floors

Materials needed to install 3D flooring design

The installation, according to the experts of 3Dex arts, has some difficulty:
The base surface must be consistent and hard, so it is not possible to install 3D epoxy flooring murals on parquet, fabrics or paper on the walls.
The base surface must be cleaned, sanded and checking for moisture.
Next, the self-leveling mortar is laid. Once it is hardened, and the pavement is smooth, without imperfections. It is possible to colorize this surface to serve as a chromatic basis for the chosen 3D flooring art design.
The drawing is made with the composition of a resin called epoxy, either by hand or with digital techniques. Then it will be covered by another transparent resin layer, printed image on high quality paper for this use can be added before the transparent layer to get a 3D flooring design with a 3D printed mural.
Finally, a plastic layer of non-slip polyurethane  is placed which, in addition, gives the final texture, smooth or rough, with gloss or matte.

You also may like: Full guide to installing 3D floor art with epoxy floor painting
luxury 3D flooring designs for bedrooms
luxury 3D flooring designs for bedrooms
Architects and designers have long used this epoxy coated 3D flooring art murals to create exclusive environments in buildings, but until now, they have been much more common in leisure centers, shops and industries, since for housing has more conditioning. The first is the price: 3D flooring prices is between 40 and 100 euros per square meter, depending on the surface and the complexity of the design.
3D epoxy floor painting 3D flooring murals 2018 for bedrooms
3D epoxy floor painting 3D flooring murals 2018 for bedrooms

"For me it is not just a reform, but an artistic challenge, and that is the main difficulty. Only a careful design, adapted to the dimensions and characteristics of each room  can become a real demonstration of style. You have to be very sure of what is done because rectifying is not as easy as giving a new coat of paint to the wall, "says Alejandra Aguilar, interior designer.
3D flooring designs for modern bathroom floors
3D flooring designs for modern bathroom floors
In any case, the epoxy painted 3D flooring design options are as varied as you can wish: from the most risky exuberance, to the most classic and discrete motifs (geometric, filigree, granulated ...). "You also have to have the furniture of the house, its style and its tones, unless you have thought of a total transformation," adds Alejandra Aguilar. The originality is fascinating, but it is of no use if the house has no harmony in the style ".

3D floor art with epoxy flooring paint
3D floor art with epoxy flooring paint

Epoxy 3D floor primer 

  • Two-component epoxy reinforcing primer for the self-leveling 3D flooring and treatment of concrete floors. Before applying the floor to the concrete base, it should be treated with an epoxy-based primer for the 3D floor art. Epoxy primer for the 3D floor should have a certain viscosity.
  •  The main purpose of the 3D floor primer is the adhesion of concrete to fill the floor. This primer on an epoxy basis for penetrates deep into the concrete base, and thus strengthens it. Before applying an epoxy-based primer to concrete, it is necessary to vacuum and dust the concrete base. Then the room is pasted with a film, so that dust do not fall from the walls and ceiling.
3D flooring murals for modern kitchens 2018
3D flooring murals for modern kitchens 2018
  •  After you have made all these steps, you need to read the instructions for using the epoxy primer. The instructions show the mixing ratios of components A and components B. First, component A is poured into a bucket in the required proportion and then the component B is poured into the bucket by mixing the drill. The mixing time is about 3 minutes.
  •  Turnovers should be average, because at high speeds, the material heats up and starts to solidify faster. After you have mixed the required amount of primer on an epoxy base, it can be applied with a roller or a conventional spatula. The average consumption of the primer is 300 gr per 1 m / sq. M.
3D bathroom floor art with epoxy flooring paint
3D bathroom floor art with epoxy flooring paint

Epoxy color coating - bulk floor

The two-component material for the 3d flooring installation is a universal floor covering that should be applied to the primed and even concrete base. This material for 3d floor art is very durable, has chemical protection, and is not afraid of heavy mechanical loads. Therefore, it is the floor that is today considered to be the most durable and wear-resistant epoxy floor covering.

3D bathroom floor murals 3D flooring designs with epoxy painting
3D bathroom floor murals 3D flooring designs with epoxy painting
Before you apply the composition to the concrete base, you should carefully read the instructions. The instructions detail the mixing ratios of components A and components B. Mix component A and component B by weight, not by volume. Because each component has a different density and mass.

3D floor art for luxury classic living room

To mix the components, you should use a clean bucket, pour in component A, and then carefully mixing the drill to pour component B in the required proportion. Turnovers should be average. Because using very strong revolutions, the material will begin to heat up and the polymerization process will increase rapidly, and you will not have time to apply it to your 3D epoxy flooring.

 After you have mixed the two components, the finished mixture should be poured into another clean bucket, and mix again. This is done to ensure that after the first mixing of the components, lumps may remain in the mixture, which will not be visible after the first mixing of the filling floor. The average flow per 1 m / sq is about 2 kg per 1 m / sq. M. Then the mixture is poured onto the floor and leveled using a squeegee, or a notched trowel. The lifetime of the filling floor is 20 - 30 minutes, at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. The process of solidification of the filling floor is about 8 hours.

Epoxy paint 3D floor art 3D bathroom flooring murals designs ideas 2018
Epoxy paint 3D floor art 3D bathroom flooring murals designs ideas 2018

transparent coating for 3D floor art: Epoxy colorless binder

For the finish coating of the 3d floor art installation process, a transparent varnish for the 3d flooring mural on an epoxy basis or a transparent colorless epoxy binder is used. This coating protects your 3D floor mural, and the entire bulk of the epoxy floor.

3D floor art for bedroom floors

Epoxy Lacquer has 2 components on an epoxy basis. In order to correctly apply it to the 3d flooring image, you should carefully read the instruction for the application of the finishing varnish for 3d floor art. Special attention should be given to such an indicator as resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Since newcomers, after laying the epoxy floor very often join with a huge problem. The filler of the 3rd flooring design can be covered with yellow spots in a month, since it is exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, before applying a clear varnish for the 3d floor, ensure that the clear varnish is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

 After you are completely convinced of the high quality of the finishing clear varnish, you should read the instructions for its use. First, calculate the amount of clear lacquer that needs to be weighed. Because after mixing the clear varnish with the hardener, its viability is about 30 - 40 minutes. And so you need to have time to apply it evenly.

3D bathroom floor art with epoxy coating
3D bathroom floor art with epoxy coating
Do not interfere with too much clear varnish, because if you do not have time to evenly apply it on the 3D floor art, it will begin to polymerize, or harden, and eventually you will throw it away. In order to properly mix the transparent varnish with the hardener, you need to know the mixing proportions of the main component A with component B hardener. Each firm of the manufacturer of polymer materials has its own mixing proportions of component A with component B with a hardener. There are no overall mixing proportions.

3D floors art with epoxy coating for kitchens

you can see more 3d floor art in this video

   And another very important moment of mixing components A and B. When mixing components, be sure to use a scale. Mixing the ingredients is not by volume, but by weight. Because component A and component B have different density, volume and mass.

Fantastic 3D kitchen backsplash designs on glass panels

The Kitchen backsplash wall plays an important role in the kitchen. It protects the walls from greasy spills and other soiling, but is also crucial for the appearance and effect of the kitchen design. The glass backsplash panel is especially modern and elegant. The material is heat resistant, durable, easy to maintain and available in an incredible variety of colors. The back of the glass can be designed to match any style or taste and in today's article we focus on 3D backsplash panels of glass for modern kitchens. The following is a list of what you need to consider during the selection process.

3D glass panels with photo printing to get a 3D backsplash design for a modern kitchen interior 

Don't miss: 20 glass 3D backsplash designs to transform your kitchen

3D kitchen backsplash designs 2018

3D kitchen back splash wall with glass panel

glass panels in kitchens and bathrooms protect the walls of stains - food, grease, water or soap. The kitchen backsplash panels can be laid with a range of protective materials, including vinyl, mosaic, porcelain or ceramic tile, metals such as stainless steel or copper, or glass. Glass flow mirrors have the advantage of being robust and easy to clean. They also offer many color and style choices like 3D glass backsplash panels.

glass panel for 3D backsplash design for modern kitchens
glass panel for 3D backsplash design for modern kitchens
While most kitchen tops are not visually appealing, an unusual kitchen backsplash design can be created very easily. Add an artistic element to  the panel. The possibilities are endless, but here we propose a 3D kitchen backsplash design on acrylic glass panel.

3D kitchen back splash design ideas with glass panels
3D kitchen back splash design ideas with glass panels
Less expensive than glass, but equally clear and reflective, the acrylic glass protects the wall behind the sink or stove. A clear choice like this is the best option in case you do not want to hide the color or wallpaper behind another material. Acrylic glass is scratch-resistant and very easy to clean. You can choose most popular art prints, postcards or patterned paper behind the acrylic glass for a unique kitchen backsplash. A set of basic silicone prevents the water from coming behind the acrylic.

3D kitchen backsplash wall design with glass panel
3D kitchen backsplash wall design with glass panel
Dramatic murals made of melted or stained glass are expensive and difficult to craft. Turn the wall into a work of 3D art. The kitchen 3D backsplash design with acrylic glass panel becomes the view in the kitchen. In addition, tile mirrors made of thick acrylic glass have excellent reflective properties that illuminate the room. Choose the motif well, because it should fit the style of the kitchen. Food is often used, but you can also opt for a landscape photo, sea theme or family photo or any 3D backsplash design for kitchen from our collection.

3D kitchen backsplash design

3D glass backsplash art

As a material for your kitchen backsplash wall, different types of glass are available.  The so-called single-panel safety glass , short ESG glass , is thermally cured and has an increased impact and resistance compared to normal glass panels. The material is absolutely insensitive to scratches, heat resistant and looks good even after years. Since the material can no longer be processed afterwards, one should pay particular attention to the exact dimensions during manufacture. With the online configurators  you can configure your ESG glass pane according to your individual requirements. Experts will then cut recesses for sockets and light switches millimeter-precision into the glass. Leave the ESG glass cutting to the professional!

3D backsplash panel design

Acrylic glass (Plexiglas) is a glass-like plastic that is currently often used as a cheap replacement for ESG glass in the kitchen backsplash panel. The material is very light, easy to handle and spares the purse. Also mounting behind stove is no problem. Due to its scratch-sensitive surface, however, it is not necessarily suitable for long-term use. Improper cleaning can damage the shiny surface and make it dull and unsightly after a while.

Choosing the best kitchen wall panels from different materials

3D backsplash LED lighting

It is also possible to illuminate the 3D backsplash panel of glass. This not only makes pictures and motifs a visual experience, but is also functional when cooking. If the 3D kitchen backsplash panel is equipped with LEDs, however, the glass should have a thickness of 6 mm or more. You can also choose the light according to your preferences or motif. For lighter motifs, the use of cold white LEDs is advisable, in the case of darker warm white. An RGB color changer would be the proper choice for you if you want to change the color of your 3D kitchen back splash lighting with pressing a button.
3D glass backsplash design with LED lights for small kitchen
3D glass backsplash design with LED lights for small kitchen

3D backsplash designs for modern kitchens

3D backsplash design on acrylic glass panel
3D backsplash design on acrylic glass panel

floral kitchen backsplash design with 3D glass panel
floral kitchen backsplash design with 3D glass panel
I suggest seeing this video to see more 3d backsplash panel