Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas and furniture + 50 photos

Design of a bedroom in the style of minimalist and new minimalist bedroom ideas, how to choose the suitable minimalist furniture and bed for your bedroom, modern minimalist bedroom 

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

How to design modern minimalist bedroom style:

A characteristic difference of style minimalist bedroom design is expressiveness and ultimate laconism, and, in all aspects: in color, furniture, furnishings, and accessories.

 In general, this style is designed for fans of space and ease of space. Especially good is this style for cramped apartments, that in panel houses, perhaps, the only opportunity to be transformed and added to the interior space and ease. For fans of classics, the interior in the style of minimalist looks poor.

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

If the style of minimalist bedroom ideas is characterized by expressiveness and at the same time laconic, and, talking about the standard of a minimalist bedroom furniture, this is certainly a Japanese style, from which a low tatami bed is borrowed, as well as a decor of natural colors with a minimal amount of furniture.

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The fact is that for the basis you can take different styles, equipping a minimalist bedroom design. For example, it can be a classic style or high-tech, or modern urban. Proceeding from the chosen direction, the selection of furniture and accessories is formed.

 If the classic is taken as a basis, then the furniture should be wooden, and accessories - classical. If the basis is a high-tech style, then the furniture should already be made of metal, glass or even plastic. 

An ethnic minimalist bedroom ideas include only natural materials or, at worst, a very high-quality imitation and, accordingly, ethnic decor. 

In this regard, first, you need to determine the direction, namely, with the style that will be taken as a basis.

Minimalist bedroom colors and color combination

First of all, I would like to note that no more than three colors should be used in interior design. Typically, designers work generally with one color, and in most cases, non-color tones such as white, black, gray and cream are used.

A classic technique involves a combination of white with pastel neutral shade, for example, with gray or light brown. By the way, this option is a win. Or we can do without white, just take a combination of two neutral colors - it will look no less spectacular.

But if you use the third color, then it is best to introduce it as an accent on the principle: the brightest tone should fall on small surfaces, and two neutral colors fall on all other interior items and are evenly distributed among themselves.

The best IKEA bedroom designs and furniture 2018

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

However, you can do this: in addition, highlight the large and medium surfaces with two different colors.

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

How to choose minimalist bedroom furniture and bed style

Concerning the materials, we can say that here they must be perfectly processed, regardless of whether it is a tree or a stone. For finishing the premises, as a rule, wood, stone, and leather are used - materials that are natural and durable. However, chrome-plated steel is also tolerated, like linoleum. 

As for the walls - in the style of minimalist bedroom design, they must necessarily be monophonic, regardless of the type of decoration, whether it's wallpaper or simply painted surface - no drawings and ornaments. 

A simple geometric design is allowed only on the ceiling, for example, if you lower it around the perimeter and embed the backlight in it. However, it must also be simple, devoid of complex constructions.

For flooring, the most suitable is a parquet board or carpet. And just like the walls, the floor covering should be without a pattern, neutral color.

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

With regard to minimalist bedroom furniture, you can also say that it should merge with the floor and walls. This is an ideal option, in which the impression of airiness and spaciousness is specially created. 

This must necessarily be closed modular cabinets, as well as podiums and boxes with absolutely no decor (no carving or painting). Furniture should not be bulky and large.

There should not be any things and no excesses in sight. The bed should have a simple and concise form, without decor.

By the way, beds are given the central place in the interior. In most cases, this is a bed-platform, the head of which is either not at all, or has a minimum of design.

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

The bed can also be located on a stationary catwalk equipped with a storage system. The main thing to remember is that the difference between a minimalist bedroom idea is in a low bed without a canopy, without a headboard and canopy with simple curbstones on both sides.

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Lighting ideas for a minimalist bedroom

Lighting is one of the most important elements in the minimalist bedroom design. Light, in this case, should be as much as possible, at the same time, its sources should have the utmost brevity. 

Chandeliers are absolutely not welcome, but spotlights as a basic lighting are even highly recommended. If there are bedside lamps, they should also be extremely simple.

In general, the light should have two main centers - it's near the bed and in the closet. Wardrobes should be well lit with built-in spotlights.

The bed can have a wall sconce or a lamp on a bedside table with muted light. It can be a lamp with a large lampshade, located on the bedside table.

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Textiles and Accessories for minimalist bedroom design

From the textile in the minimalist bedroom furniture, there is only bed linen and a monophonic coverlet. Even on windows, it is best to install blinds or usual shutters and dispense with curtains. Walls should also be empty, only three to four decorative details are allowed. 

The minimum of things on the bedside tables, except that the alarm clock and table lamp. In other words, the minimalist bedroom ideas have a number of strict requirements, because The situation should look monochrome.

Well, its main characteristic feature is the complete order, the minimum of objects and the maximum of air and space.

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

With regard to accessories, it should be noted that a modest decoration of the head of the bed is allowed with the help of a panel, a picture or several images in the frames on the wall.

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas, minimalist bedroom furniture and beds

If desired, you can create a niche. And this is, perhaps, all of the accessories. Well, except that one-two potted plants, no more. All the rest is inadmissible.

New kids room designs and ideas 2018 - 50 photos

Top tips on how to design the kids room, more than 50 kids room designs and ideas 2018, What you should know before designing a kids room, kids room decorating ideas 2018 and kids room colors scheme

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

is there a parent does not want to give your kid all the best, safe, beautiful and interesting! And arranging the personal space of the kid is one of the important options for the realization of such desires. Comfortable, safe, practical and at the same time a fashionable kid's room that the kid likes - a dream for most Russian dads and moms.

 But not always our desires coincide with our capabilities - someone's area of the kid's room 2018 does not allow to make dreams come true, others have a family budget that does not withstand global repairs. 

Fortunately, modern trends in the design of living spaces are all related to simple and concise, the predominance of practicality over luxury. After all, the main purpose of a kid's room design is to give comfort and comfort to a child, to promote its development and growth, and for this, parents do not need to ruin a family account. 
We bring to your attention seventy interesting design projects of kid's rooms created for kids of different ages, skills, and preferences, as well as for parents with different wallet sizes.

Stylish decorating  ideas for a kids room in 2018

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

The modern design of any room is based on "three whales" - simplicity, naturalness, and practicality. To the kid's room ideas, these three factors can be applied easily and even logically - any parent wants the kid's room not to have toxic, harmful to human health or the environment materials, so that the situation is as practical as possible (after all, the kid's room has so many functions and must withstand any tests) and that the situation is laconic (acceptable for any size room).

Asian style in interior design - Top Feng Shui home tips

But exceptions are inevitable for the kid's room. If the entire design world in the design of residential spaces advocates the approach of projects to minimalist stylistics, then it is extremely difficult to achieve such a result in a room for a kid. The fact is that the kid must perform many functions:

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

Another important feature of the kid's room designs is that it should correspond to the kid's age, level of development and hobbies. If in the space for the baby parents can easily create a minimalist environment, the preschooler will have to use the thematic design, or at least take into account the kid's interests in the choice of decor, textiles. 

The task of parents (if they act independently, without the help of a designer), among other things, is also to organize the space for the kid in such a way that there is as much room for active games as possible in the room, and in the conditions of small-sized rooms do this extremely difficult.

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

Another dilemma is the use of environmentally friendly materials. It is obvious to everyone that all raw materials used for the production of building and finishing materials, furniture or decorations, must be safe. But for all that, the surfaces of the kid's room must be practical - creativity overtakes any interior item in the kid's room (paints, markers, plasticine and other kinds of tests are inevitable). And we all understand that synthetic materials are much easier to clean, wash. Each parent will have to decide on his own - how ecological, but at the same time functionally practical is his kid's room.

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

One of the features of the kid's room is associated with a large set of functions that it performs. Zoning of such a multi-field space is inevitable because it is necessary to allocate not only the segment for sleeping and rest but also to designate a place for study and creativity, in some rooms a sports (active) zone is needed. 

But this does not mean that zoning functional segments are necessary explicitly, with the help of partitions, screens, and curtains. Modern design is just trying to move away from any space restriction and creating obstacles for the passage of air and light. Zoning has a very conventional nature - with furniture, surface finishes, lighting fixtures or carpeting.

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

Decorating in a modern kids room 2018

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

In addition to what has said above (all materials in the kid's room must be ecological), the finishing of the room in which the kid is located should be practical, or the parents should be ready to paint walls or re-glue the wallpaper every 1.5-2 years.

 If we take into account that the kid's preferences, interests and level of development change with age, then this option may not be the worst. In this case, you cannot spend too much on the finishing materials of the walls - no wallpaper or wall panels made of natural wood.

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

The use of such a design technique, as an accent wall, in kid's rooms is popular as never before. With the help of the accentual execution of one vertical surface (or a part of it), one cannot only bring diversity to the interior of the room but also allocate, for example, a zone of sleep or study and creativity.

 In the kid's room design of the accent surface there are no restrictions, it can be ordinary wallpaper, different from the basic finish in color and texture, photo wallpaper (you can depict everything from the portrait of the kid to the cartoon version of your favorite characters), art painting not cheap, but will decorate the room, raising the level of exclusivity to the skies).

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

The creative impulses of even the most active kids to the ceiling, as a rule, do not reach. Therefore, for finishing the ceiling, you can choose any convenient way for you to design. Ideally smooth, the snow-white ceiling will become a universal option - it can be changed without changing the walls and changing the color palette of the interior.

 If you plan to build in luminaires (some of the options for conditional zoning of the room), the best way to decorate the ceiling will be suspended structures made of plasterboard. Concerning suspended ceilings, one can say only one thing: multi-level designs are gradually out of fashion, use them only as an acute necessity (visual increase in the height of the room).

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

If we talk about the ideal way to create flooring, then the undisputed leader among the environmentally friendly options is the parquet board. The material is safe for humans and the environment, has excellent thermal insulation properties, looks luxurious. But the disadvantages of this flooring are available - the high cost of the material and its installation, the need for periodic surface cycling.

Practical and safe furniture for kids room

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

The choice of furniture for the kid's room is no less than the criteria for a competent purchase of finishing materials. Any piece of furniture that will be in the kid's room (and we have already decided that the furniture set should be minimal, only the most necessary) must meet the following factors:
  • security
  • ecological compatibility
  • functionality
  • age and growth of the kid
  • a harmonious combination with the design of the entire room

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

The main problem faced by parents is that kids "grow up" very quickly from the furniture that their rooms are furnished with. And no matter what its quality, cost and functionality, if the bed is small in size, and a small chest of drawers cannot accommodate the entire wardrobe of a grown-up baby. 

Therefore, designers recommend buying models of so-called "growing" furniture - the table and chair can be adjusted in height (seat and back), the bed has at least three positions in length.

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

The second, but not the most important, the problem is related to the lack of useful space in kid's rooms of small size. To help come bunk beds (for rooms where two or more kids live) and loft beds.

 Such models help to leave the maximum possible amount of useful area of the room free. Typically, the loft bed is a structure on the upper tier of which is a sleeping place, and the lower part is allocated for the organization of the workplace, a corner for creativity or a zone for diverse storage systems.

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

If we are talking about practical storage systems, then experts recommend purchasing modular systems, which can vary depending on changes in the interests and needs of the kid, and hence the situation in the room. 

Open shelving is an ideal option. Initially, on their shelves, you can place containers with small toys (at the height of the kid, so that he can freely obtain the necessary items), with the passage of time they can be replaced with books or sports equipment (depending on the changing interests of the kid).

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

If the racks are of sufficient height, then for security reasons they are attached to the wall of the room (low storage systems are sufficiently stable and the baby will be difficult to overturn them, but it is better to be sure of this in preliminary tests without a kid). Of course, designers and experts in ergonomics do not recommend the use of storage systems with glass doors or inserts on the facades of cabinets. It is necessary to create an atmosphere in which there will be a few potential causes for injuries - door closers, drawers on sliders.

Top tips for designing kids room

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

Talk about the purity of the stylistic execution of this or that direction in the interior of the kid's room cannot be said. The specificity of this multifunctional room is such that it is difficult to sustain the whole concept of style, taking into account not only the age and sex of the kid but also his interests, hobbies, and aspirations. The modern design of any living space now tends to use minimalist stylistics and the undisputed leader among them is the Scandinavian style

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

The kid's room designed in accordance with the design principles of the Nordic countries is simple and concise, but at the same time cozy and comfortable. The abundance of white (mainly due to the decoration of walls and ceiling) allows you to use Scandinavian motifs even in small rooms.

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

 A fairly cool palette "dilutes" the presence of interior items from natural wood (furniture, flooring, wall or ceiling finishing elements). The warmth and comfort of the environment are achieved through the use of textiles made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen, wool), decorative elements often made by hand or made to order, living plants.

kids room design ideas for girls

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

No matter how the designers of the whole world tried to "promote" unisex ideas, design projects of kid's rooms, in which both the boy and the girl will be equally comfortable, but our kids make their own adjustments.

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

 Most girls really like all the shades of pink and purple, they want a bed "like a princess", painted on the walls of unicorns and curtains with ruffles on the windows. Perhaps only the parents' room for parents can decorate in neutral tones with a situation without pronounced gender features.

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

 As the kid grows up, sex will prevail over the desire of parents not to focus on the "girl's" or boyish "addictions of the kid. A large dollhouse that occupies half of the room of your princess (and you will have to purchase it to preserve peace and harmony in the family) will unequivocally point out,

Design kids room for a boy: options for different ages

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

new kids room designs 2018, kids room ideas, kids room colors 2018

It so happened that boys a priori more active and more mobile girls, to exit their irrepressible energy, you must always have a supply of free space. That is why in the kid's room, parents need to create an environment in which most of the room will remain free or will be occupied by a sports complex. 

Of course, all kids are different and, perhaps, it is your baby who likes quiet games or lacks the activity that he shows during a walk. But most boys are in great need in the evenings in resetting the energy stored for the day.

 If we talk about the choice of thematic design of the kid's room, it all depends on the interests of your boy. The most commonly used is the naval theme, space, the theme of travel, or the images are taken of the favorite cartoon characters, fairy tales, comic books.

Top catalog of toddler and kids car bed for boys and girls

More than 50 design ideas of kids car bed and toddler car beds for boys and girls, race car bed, and more models of care bed frame and design, how and why you buy car bed for your children

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

The choice of kids furniture is not an easy task for parents. And if the son (or daughter) adores cars, then the question of which bed to choose is practically not discussed: of course, a bed-car! What features of this piece of furniture, you need to understand more, because it looks quite bright and unusual.

Is kids car bed worth buying?

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

At the moment there are no furniture stores that would not offer kids car bed, trains, boats. They have a very bright design, colorfulness is just off the scale, and parents are torn between:

  • The desire to give the kid what he longs for.
  • Do not hurt, because too bright colors excite the imagination, making it difficult for the baby to fall asleep, which means that he does not rest at night.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Important! Do not think that all the bright colors are unequivocally dangerous for the kid. It all depends on the design of the room and the bed itself. So, bed linen in pastel or cold colors will balance the brightness of such an original piece of furniture.

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Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

As for the safety of the bright color in terms of its chemical composition, there should not be any special disturbances. Basically, such models are made of laminated chipboard. The lamination layer does not differ from that used for the chest or closet.

Modern minimalist bedroom design ideas and furniture + 50 photo

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Statistics: up to 90% of inexpensive boys car bed furniture is made of laminated chipboard.
Important! At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the EAF sheet, it must have the E1 mark. This means high environmental safety, which means that such furniture can be used in the toddler car bed room.
Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed
Definitely worth buying a bed for those parents who find it difficult to put the boy to bed or if he does not want to fit separately. In the company of a favorite cartoon character, sleep will not be such a problem.

Why buy toddler or kids car bed:

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

For toddlers, this is an opportunity to give your child a real fairy tale, because a kid can feel himself a hero of the cartoon that loves most. Among the advantages of such a piece of furniture are the following:

The originality of design: This bed will please the child, make the interior of his room original, stylish.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

The simplicity of packing: It is unlikely that even the most capricious baby will choose a dream with his parents before feeling the rest in a real car. About persuasion to go to sleep you can forget - this process will turn into an exciting game.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Security: All elements of the bed are large, so the child does not swallow anything. They are rounded, that is not traumatic.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Functionality: This bed is convenient, especially for kids who have previously slept in a crib with bumpers, because here they also are. And stylized under the body of the race car bed.The baby just does not fall off that bed so it can be purchased as soon as he grows up from his infant.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Huge selection of models: There are many options for thematic beds: at least "Cars", even police cars, and maybe realistic imitation of Audi, Ferrari and so on.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Important! Some models of boys car bed have a backlight, which is successfully used as a night lamp. That's why it can be put in a separate nursery - the kid will not be scared alone in the room. 

 Latest modern boys room design ideas and colors 2018

Best Kids room curtains for girls - girls curtains 2018

Different Kids car bed models for boys and girls:

A place for sleep that looks like or exactly repeats the silhouette of a car can be found in stores in such variants:

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

  • A copy of a real car: This design is very close to the appearance of this boys car bed. In such models, movable wheels, there is a steering wheel, even the lights can glow. Especially original looks a jeep with a ladder, on which you need to go up to your sleeping place - the boy will be delighted!

  • Stylization: They are like real cars only in form. In stores, you can find options that the kid can identify with his favorite cartoon hero.

  • Clippers with skirts: Designed for the smallest kids. Due to the fact that they have high sides, and all corners are smoothed out, a child of one and a half years can sleep in this bed.

  • Two-tiered cars: An excellent solution for toddler car bed who have a small age difference.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

How to choose the best car bed for your kids:

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

When buying, parents need to pay attention to the following points:

Dimensions: They are different, but the bed is mostly designed for use for sleeping up to 15 years. Standard dimensions - 1,2 x 2,4 m. When choosing a two-tier model, one should pay attention to the height of the ceilings.

Additional controls: For backlight and sounds, it's best to have a remote control.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

The material of manufacture: Laminated chipboard or MDF are allowed. When buying, you should check the quality certificates.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

The strength of the assembly: You should check the connection elements, see what weight the mattress is designed for if it is included in the package.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

The best models of car beds for kids:

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Sportscar - It has a stylized for a race car bed, comfortable sides: higher at the head of the head, at the feet below. Orthopedic frame, without a mattress.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Backlit bed - The model has a bright performance, the wheels are highlighted as separate protruding elements, there is a highlight.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Mercedes - Stylization for one of the most famous brands. All elements are made of safe materials, complete with a mattress.

Bed-attic FanChizes - Model for small rooms. Sleeping-place machine - located on the second floor. Under the bottom of the shelf and locker.

Bunk bed Jeep - Sleeping place for two kids with a small age difference. The lower bed has sides, suitable for a smaller child.

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Sportcar2 premium - The model is similar to the first SportKar, the difference in lighting, which is placed on the bottom of the machine, that is, under the bed.

SuperCar - This model is made of chipboard and volumetric plastic due to what is very similar to a real boys car bed. The wheels have LED lighting. There is a remote control panel, with it you can turn on the backlight and sounds.
Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

Top designs of toddler car bed, kids car bed for boys, race car bed

The original kid's car bed will be an excellent gift for the child. But we must remember that quality realistic stylization should not overshadow the quality and safety of the material.