How to build a floating ceiling with new panels and designs

The best new designs of floating ceiling with step by step to build a floating ceiling in your home, what types of floating ceiling with new ideas and installation, floating ceiling panels of plasterboard and gypsum board for modern homes

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling
How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

Correctly selected ceiling can radically change the room: make it higher. Therefore, the choice of material and configuration should be treated responsibly.

A popular option, which is suitable for a private house, and for an apartment - floating ceiling from plasterboard with illumination. It looks beautiful, easy to install, it is not too expensive.

Let's take a look at its features and advantages over other types of the ceilings?

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What is a Floating ceiling?

The main feature of this ceiling is a structure that seems to float in the air without support. The effect is achieved through special hidden fasteners, which we will discuss below.

Enhances the impression and the backlight, which is usually installed around the perimeter of the drywall unit - a soft glow not only looks beautiful but also helps to hide the mounts.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

A floating ceiling is not necessarily a standard white plasterboard. It can differ both in appearance and in design: one-level, two or more levels, decorative figures ...

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

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The choice of ceiling design is based on the size of the room and its general style. For example, for a small kitchen, a single-level ceiling is more suitable, and a complex floating cascade of several elements can be installed in a large living room.

What is the benefits of floating ceiling:

Floating ceiling drywall is a popular material for finishing the ceiling. It is inexpensive, light and able to hide communications and all the shortcomings of the rough finish.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

Floating ceilings have a number of additional pluses:

  • Unusual appearance attracts attention and makes even the simplest design beautiful and stylish. Despite the popularity, such ceilings are not considered to be banal.
  • Due to the small distance between the ceiling and the gypsum board, it is easier to mount the fixtures;
  • The illumination along the perimeter of the construction not only creates a hovering effect but also serves as an additional source of light. In addition, this technique helps visually increase the room, make it higher and more spacious.
  • Using several floating panels will help you in zoning rooms. This is especially true for studio apartments, where the division of space into zones is one of the priority tasks.
  • The floating ceiling installation is quite simple and if you wish, you can handle it yourself.
  • If you want to update the design - it's enough just to repaint the plasterboard panels!
How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

In addition, It can take almost any form, which means that the number of design solutions is unlimited.

See also: Top 100 Gypsum board false ceiling designs 2019

Floating ceiling installation steps:

If you want to install a floating ceiling from gypsum plasterboard with a backlight yourself, you will need this step-by-step installation instruction, which we prepared for you. Do not give up on it - and you will succeed!

Step 1: To begin with:
It is necessary to carry out all measurements and calculate the required amount of material. It all depends on what kind of construction you are planning. In addition, you need to make a drawing - then you can come in handy professionals.

Step 2: Install the frame.
To do this, you need to apply the markup, considering that the first level of construction should be below the ceiling at least 10 centimeters. On the markings, make holes for the profile (use a puncher).

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, floating ceiling installation

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, floating ceiling installation

Step 3. After finishing with noisy work:
go to the mounting profile using self-tapping screws. We recommend that you regularly check the profile, whether the design falls flat - otherwise you risk getting a curved ceiling that will spoil the whole impression.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, floating ceiling installation

Step 4. Here you need care and accuracy:
It is necessary to process gypsum sheets. Apply markings according to the drawing. Then cut the cardboard with a sharp knife and carefully divide the blade into pieces of the desired shape.

Important: Do not forget to cut openings for fixtures - it's quite difficult to do this in a ready-made floating ceiling.
How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, floating ceiling installation

Step 5. Installation of lighting equipment:
Is an important step for creating a beautiful lighting structure. Buy the LED strip of the required length. In building stores, you can choose the right shade: match it so that it fits in with the interior of the room. For some rooms are suitable multi-color, and in some, it is better to limit the classic white or bluish tint.

Important: The diffusion of light, creating the soaring effect, is highly dependent on the accuracy of the installation.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, floating ceiling installation

LED strips are stacked simultaneously with the profile, which is equipped with a translation layer - it will soften the flow of light and make it more diffused.

Make sure that they run along the entire perimeter of the future ceiling - any gap will change the effect not for the better.

Attention: If you are afraid that the light will be too weak or, conversely, excessively intense - choose a backlight that can be adjusted by the remote control. This will help achieve the desired brightness and even change its color.

Step 6. The most important step is the installation of a drywall itself.
In accordance with the profiles, install the prepared elements in the joints. They are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Important: Make sure all panels are securely fastened to the fasteners. If you think that some part of the design is unreliable, it is better to add additional fasteners.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, floating ceiling installation

Step 7 . It's time to move on to the final part of the work - finishing.
Primer should be primed. Then proceed to the putty. Now all you have to do is paint the slabs or paste the wallpaper. The solution depends on the design concept you choose.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

Note: Putty and primer are not complex in themselves. But they will take a long time - each layer will dry for about a day. We advise you not to try to speed up the process - the quality of the final result depends on this.
We hope that our instructions helped you to understand how to make a floating ceiling from plasterboard with your own hands.

Floating ceiling design option:

As we have already said, there are many options for the design of such ceilings. Each of them has its pros and cons and can look different in one or another room.

Let's see what types of design are considered the most popular and effective.

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A floating ceiling in one level:

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

Sometimes a time-tested classic is the best choice. Due to the lighting, the one-level gypsum board ceiling can be transformed. The room will seem taller and more spacious.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

This solution is excellent for hall and small rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. However, in a large room it will also look spectacular.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

Choose the type of ceiling lighting depending on the style of the interior. By the way, it's not necessary to make the ceiling white - the colored floating ceilings look very beautiful and unusual. Despite the external simplicity of the design, you will be satisfied with the result.

Multilevel floating ceiling:

A more complex solution requires a certain amount of space. Given that each level requires at least 10 centimeters, be sure that you have enough height of the walls - otherwise the room will become very low.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

Smooth transitions of the lighting floating ceiling look very elegant and beautiful, however you can add brightness: just use different colors of illumination. Note that they must be combined - do not try to combine warm and cold tones.

Geometric shapes of floating ceiling:

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

It is not necessary to use a continuous panel. Very unusual look floating in the air geometric shapes, gently highlighted on the contour.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

It is better to abandon the idea of multi-type elements - several symmetrical triangles or different-sized circles look much nicer than transferring the entire list of geometric shapes to the ceiling. The first rule that you need to remember, if you liked this design option - no frills.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

This type of design is suitable for large rooms - in small you will lose the entire visual effect.

Figured elements for floating ceiling:

Do not think that hanging floating elements can only relate to geometry. You can use even more complex options: flowers, stars, animal outlines.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

Idea: If you are looking for an unusual decoration for a black and white interior, try to recreate a zebra from gypsum plasterboard. White stripes will show the highlight - agree, a bold, but the original solution.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

The elements illuminated in this way look very unusual and beautiful. Do not be afraid of experiments - just select that floating ceiling that will blend in with the overall style of the room.

How to build a floating ceiling, floating ceiling panels and designs, suspended ceiling

As you can see, a wide variety of floating suspended ceilings from plasterboard allows you to choose an option for every taste for any room. It does not matter which style you prefer - classic or hi-tech. Having developed a fantasy, you will find the perfect solution for the decoration of the ceiling.

Best 50 modular kitchen designs for modern homes 2018

Modular kitchen designs sets offer unlimited possibilities for the optimal organization of space in the kitchen. One of the most popular novelties in this area is modular kitchens designs. The standard modules for the kitchen are separate sections, which can be combined to suit the particular premises and personal preferences.

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best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes
best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

Kitchen - a special place in the apartment, requiring a combination of comfort, coziness, purity and functionality, which is not easy to achieve in a small area and at reasonable cost. However, modern technologies of furniture production allow to optimally equip the kitchen space of any apartment, spending quite a bit of money and time.

yellow modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

If you want to make your house more modern - start with the kitchen. Modern kitchen design is great for a complete redevelopment and the embodiment of modular kitchen design ideas which it can be equipped with the latest design and technology, making it as functional and convenient as possible.

Modular Kitchen Design

best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

blue modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

Modular kitchen design implies the separation of the general space of the room into blocks. Thus, each shelf or box that was installed in the room performs its own function, which is unique and does not depend on other items in the room. And there is also the possibility of dividing the module into additional sections in order to improve the organization of space.That is why today modular kitchens designs are so popular.

After all, the kitchens are often quite small and every free centimeter should be used with maximum benefit. By breaking the kitchen space into several compartments, you will significantly improve its functionality. For example, in a small box, you can place all the cutlery (spoons, forks, knives) not in a chaotic order, but in special compartments. Therefore, it will be easy to find the necessary cutlery.

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best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

Modular Kitchen Design Advantage

best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

Modular kitchens designs have a wide range of advantages:
  • Multifunctionality - all sets can be assembled in various combinations, creating a stylish environment;
  • Capacity - some modules are included in this solution, but they can accommodate all kitchen accessories and appliances;
  • Minor dimensions are a key advantage of the product. Due to the compactness of the modules can be placed in the territory of different rooms;
  • Modules can be assembled in accordance with the parameters of the kitchen space;
  • Insignificant cost is also a pleasant addition.
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best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

Modular Kitchen Design Ideas

best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes
best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

 red modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

A standard kitchen is built in one row along one of the walls. Another name for this cuisine is a single-row rotation. In this solution, modules are installed, the length of which does not exceed 3000 mm. Classical cuisine is the best choice for small apartments. Linear kitchens are made from MDF or chipboard.

Two-row kitchen is located on the territory of two walls opposite. This solution is rationally implemented in rooms where you need to make maximum use of the space of the room. The working site is recommended to be separated from the portion of the dishes and the product site. Thus, the cooking process will be optimal.

Corner kitchens are mounted on the territory of small kitchens, where every millimeter of space is important. 

U-shaped modular solutions are placed on three walls of the room, respectively, the capacity of the kitchen will be large, and the solution will look very stylish. Such a kitchen is made to order, as it takes into account the features of the layout of a particular room.

Island collect in the central part of the room because such solutions are independent of the kitchen set.

Peninsular kitchens are a prominent element of a single design, which can act as a bar counter or a table. Photos of modular kitchens in the modern interior can be viewed in this article.

best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

Equipping the kitchen space in a modern style, follow the 3-rd rules:
  • Think carefully about the location of furniture and appliances 
  • Do not hide equipment, because technology is one of the advantages of a room 
  • Zonate space with light and color.
Stick to the "rule of the triangle": household appliances, sink, stove are the tops of a triangle, and its sides are the "routes" you move around. The length of the "routes" should not be more than 2.7 meters, otherwise during cooking you will wind the extra miles.
red modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

Modern kitchen design ideas are based on such styles:
  • Contemporary 
  • Modern 
  • High tech 


best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

The style of the interior applies to everything that does not fit into the rigid framework of a minimalistic interior. It is the same functional, practical and simple, while it can neatly weave elements of classics and ethnics.


red modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

best modern kitchen designs ideas cabinets colors for 2018 2019 homes

red modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

To decorate the kitchen space in the Art Nouveau style, designers resort to simple techniques: they use simple frameless furniture with neat accessories, strict horizontal lines and a minimum of ornaments. The main emphasis is on the natural beauty of materials.

High tech 

white modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

red modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

red modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

This is the embodiment of practicality, modern technology and convenience. The more the various ingenious devices will be involved, the better. The same applies to materials - use only the most modern and practical materials: glass, plastic, metal, acrylic.

Modern Kitchen Materiales

Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

When decorating the room, pay attention to the materials used to decorate the furniture facades.What will it be: 
  • Glossy MDF boards 
  • Solid wood 
  • Plastic
  • Frame MDF 
  • Laminated chipboards 
  • Aluminum profile 
Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

orange modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

To decorate the kitchen apron and tabletop use glass, plastic or artificial stone.

Modern Kitchen Color Ideas 

blue modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

Choose the color of the modular kitchen design is necessary, given your preferences and taste, because you should be comfortable and cozy, staying in your own kitchen. It is very important that modular kitchen design is functional and allows you to do household chores without difficulty and to cook without difficulty.

The choice of the color of the kitchen set depends on what kind of kitchen you would like to see after finishing the work. It can be calm or tone, spectacular or calming, bright or tender. 
  • One kitchen set should not use more than two colors.
  • If the kitchen set is decorated with two colors, then the color of the upper cabinets by tonality should be lighter than the bottom ones.
  • Monochrome kitchen looks better, if it is made of colors: from light beige to dark brown, pleasant, calm and not too flashy shades. Uniform kitchen looks good if the kitchen is not big. 
  • The dominant color in the headset should be only one color if the headset is executed in different colors.
  • Different colors of the kitchen set must be combined with each other.
Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

In one set, the following color combinations are popular: black and white, black and pink, black and red, black and orange, red and gray, red and white, yellow and blue, beige and gray, green and light yellow, dark brown and light brown, brown and beige, orange and dark brown, lilac / violet and yellow, burgundy and light pink, green and brown. 
  • In a small room for the kitchen does not need to use dark saturated tone. Remember that a light color visually increases the space.
  • The room with a large area will become cozier if the bright suite is completed, "diluted" with bright accents.
  • Too dark kitchen set even in a large kitchen can create a gloomy atmosphere.
  • The colors of nature are best for the color of kitchen furniture.
Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

Finally, The beautiful and modern kitchen design is of no less importance and role in the interior design of your house than the design of the living room, bedroom, children's and other rooms where we usually spend a lot of free time. 

It is in the kitchen that we are accustomed to drinking tea after a spiritual conversation, meeting with friends and family, and also preparing such delicious and favorite dishes for the whole family. So it is too important to use on of modular kitchen design ideas.

Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes
Latest modular kitchen ideas and cabinet designs for modern homes

Therefore, modular kitchen design is very important for creating comfort and coziness in the whole house, tuning in the right way, inspiring in the morning and pacifying after a hard working day.