Extremly amazing 3D False Ceiling Designs with optical illusion

To paint the ceiling with solid with a solid color or to decorate it with traditional gypsum molds is from the past, ceiling and flooring are as important as the walls in any room, and as we're writing on the 3D flooring at 3Dex arts, its types, materials and designs. now we present creative ideas to make a 3D ceiling design whatever is it a false ceiling design or a stretch ceiling, the designs and ideas fit into any room: living room, kids room, bedroom and entrances.

Don't you need to have a 3D scene in your living room, bedroom, kids room or restaurant? here are 30 3D false ceiling designs and stretched 3D ceiling murals and images and how to install them

3D ceiling murals for stretch false ceilings
3D ceiling murals for stretch false ceilings

What is 3D false ceiling? 

false ceiling is a ceiling that consists of two or more layers, the stretch ceiling, the drop ceiling of gypsum board, plaster board or POP designs, The coffered wood ceiling and glass ceilings are all considered false ceilings, but we mean with "3D" that the ceiling has a design with optical illusion that gives the feeling and the view of tree dimensions.

You can see also, 3D stretch ceiling designs Diy - Modern 3d ceiling Art 2018
The best types of ceiling coverings for your interior 2018

space themed 3D false ceilings for living rooms 2017
space themed 3D false ceilings for living rooms 2017

What can I do with 3D ceilings?

for first glance you may think that 3D ceilings are a welfare of something like that, but there are many reasons why 3D false ceilings are necessary in the modern interior decoration and solving big problems with smart touches.

Make your ceiling visually higher 

Of course we all know that the false ceiling installation needs a high ceiling because it takes a large part from the wall to accommodate its layers, but with 3D ceiling effects and paintings you can make it seems to be higher visually.
the upcoming images will explain this point clearly:

stretched 3d ceiling to increase the room space

creative 3D ceiling mages for visually higher ceiling
creative 3D ceiling mages for visually higher ceiling
3d stretched ceiling for visually higher ceiling

3D false ceilings helps to create a themed room interior:

our kids always love to live in their fairy tales in their rooms, a lot of people still decorate their kid's room with a themed decor inspired by Disney movies, they decorate walls, floor, furniture with the theme colors and paintings, but make a solid ceiling as if it from another story! 
3D ceiling images and designs enables you to integrate the false ceiling in the room theme, you can print any high quality images and use it 
and the following images gives you the inspiration you need to carry out this project in your kid's bedroom:

New catalog: Top 20 3D ceiling designs and The best Coffered ceiling designs ideas 

3D false ceiling design of gypsum board for kids room themes
3D false ceiling design of gypsum board for kids room themes
gypsum false ceiling with 3D ceiling-mural
gypsum false ceiling with 3D ceiling-mural

3D themed ceiling helps you to dazzle your guests:

if you have a restaurant, cafe or any business place, and you looking for making your guests and customers amazed. a 3D false ceiling design is your way to do that. he easiness of installing the ceiling and the availability of the high quality images you can use for this purpose makes it so easy to do that. chose the 3D image that fits into and matches with the interior of your place, as example; if your restaurant presents sea food, you can make a 3D ceiling with deep sea theme, corals and colored fish with add a great touch to your restaurant and will be memorized in your guests mind. we recently shared a WOW article about 3D flooring for restaurant and 3D hallway flooring for public places
explore more ideas of 3D ceiling images in the following collection:

deep sea 3D false ceiling for sea food restaurants
deep sea 3D false ceiling for sea food restaurants
3D ceiling murals for restaurant hallways
3D ceiling murals for restaurant hallways

New ideas for wall: Modern 3d decorative wall panels and 3d gypsum wall panels

So, How to install a 3D ceiling design?

now we are gonna show the ways you can create a thee dimensions ceiling in your home:

High-quality image on a solid ceiling

the easiest way to get a 3D ceiling in your home is to  print a high quality image on the base ceiling of your room. it is the cheapest way also.
After installing the printed image with the epoxy material, you need to insulate it with transparent insulation and protecting materials, the transparent epoxy materials are available in shops from very low to very high quality and the cost varies also according to the quality.

3D ceiling printed image for hi tech bedroom interior
3D ceiling printed image for hi-tech bedroom interior
Oil painting on canvas for modern interior wall art

3D ceiling murals for commercial hallway ceilings
3D ceiling murals for commercial hallway ceilings
Although the previous way is very easy, but there are a few options available, you can't integrate lighting in the 3D scene and can't make highs and lows in the ceiling to ensure the 3D effects
All of this options are supported by the stretched ceilings, it's a false ceiling type with two layers, the base layer is made from solid PVC, connected directly to the ceiling and its role to install the ceiling and carry the other layer, which is made of the liquid PVC, it can be blackout or transparent, whatever it is, in this case we install the 3D ceiling image on the liquid layer, the additional options are created by the lighting under this ceiling that highlights the design printed or painted on the image, you can also make additional layers of PVC to add volume to your design, the following 3D stretch ceiling designs will explain that:

awesome 3D stretch ceiling for bedrooms
awesome 3D stretch ceiling for bedrooms
artistic 3D false ceiling designs for living rooms 2018
artistic 3D false ceiling designs for living rooms 2018
I suggest to seeing: New 3D wallpaper designs for wall decoration and 30 Stylish 3D wallpaper murals

Gypsum board false ceiling with 3D illusion

now we are in front of another type of 3D illusion, it is not photo printing or something like that, in this type of ceilings - gypsum board false ceiling designs - the design of the ceiling itself with the help of colors, paintings and lighting fixtures make a perfect 3D scene in the room, images below presents creative ideas to make a 3D ceiling with gypsum board, lighting and colors in any room or commercial place.
gypsum board design 3d false ceiling for modern living rooms
gypsum board design 3d false ceiling for modern living rooms
finally, share the best design in this article with your friends, and don't miss the first article on 3D ceilings with other creative ideas.

I suggest to see: All Secrets on 3D Flooring and How to make 3d self-leveling floor

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Extremly amazing 3D False Ceiling Designs with optical illusion
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