Your Full Guide to Interactive Floor Projection systems Technology

Full guide for the Interactive Floor and Interactive projection systems, Interactive floor projector for all aspects ( games, learning, Business, events, interior design decor and more, Dance floor, iFloor, Interactive floor installation.

If you have reached here, then, of course, the term interactive flooring have stopped you and attracted your attention. Or that you may have heard about it before but you have not found enough information. As there are no Web sites that provide sufficient information on such the most modern type of technology and interactive floor software that is “interactive floor projection system”.

Interactive Floor Projection, Interactive Floor Projector
Interactive Floor Projection Technology
3DEX Arts have a comprehensive guide for everything related to this advanced type of indoor and outdoor flooring.
3DEX Arts is a community interested in 3D flooring technology of all kinds. We aim to integrate imagination with the interior design of your home or business, and we are ready to teach you all the skills needed for both sexes.

Therefore, we have specially prepared for you all that helps you in the good knowledge of interactive floors and ways of using them in different aspects of your life, and how you can turn any surface into an interactive floor or a living floor with lots of amazing high-resolution effects and how to use live floors in the interior decoration of the house, children and their education, promotion of trademarks, weddings and various events, as well as unique ideas for the use of interactive floors that will be presented to you in detail only here.

What is Interactive floor - iFloor technology? How it works?

Interactive Floor Projection , Ifloor, touch floor
Interactive Floor Projection, Ifloor, touch floor
These questions are what brought you here? Let us tell you what interactive floors are and what has been said about it around the world after the tremendous spread achieved by this latest type of floor technology for its ability to attract the attention of adults and children and their infinite uses.

You should see: Why The Interactive floor projector become Trend Today

First, its names varied in different parts of the world:
"Interactive Floor, Floor projector, iFloor, Live Floors, Smart Floors, Touch Floors, Moving Floor, Screen Floor, Display Floors, LED Floors, Dynamic carpet".

Interactive Floor Projection, Interactive Led floor, ifloor
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive Led floor

There are also those who call it according to its use, where it is called:

  • Dance floors in “Clubs and cafes, weddings and events”.
  • Playground and Eye Play floors in “play and entertainment centers”.
  • Educational floors in “schools, nurseries and educational centers”.
  • Advertising floors in “companies and malls”.
But despite its many names, it is the smart interactive flooring, An All in One Solution.
It gives you the ability to convert any available floor space into an interactive surface with a lot of high-resolution visual effects.

So, we can say: this is all possible at the same time with the Interactive Floor System.

It's the perfect time to use this smart technology in all aspects of our lives. Now, let's get to know it closely.

From the first step you get to the projection space in the interactive floor, how the picture comes to life, and then start to change in each movement, as it depends on the interaction with your movement in the change of image or presentation and does not rely on the conservation or recording of scenes and interactions, unique in every movement.

Interactive Floor Projection, touch floor, interactive floor games
Interactive Floor Projection, touch floor, interactive floor games
Walk on interactive floors back and forth and watch how each time a unique projection image is created in every movement you do. I can shorten all this in that the interactive floor is projection on the ground, the immediate response of the movement of people and walking on the surface where the projection exists.

The interactive floor is not only able to interact with one person but interacts with many people at the same time - all actions will influence what is happening in the projection.

The biggest advantage is that you can easily install them wherever you want, then just plug in the power and the system is ready for using a certified motion control technology – live view.

This does not preclude the fact that there are some important guidelines and advice that developers have mentioned to interactive live and interactive projection systems that should be considered in the installation. We will mention them in detail, but at the outset, we would like to show you this amazing technology more clearly.

Where you can use Interactive floors?

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Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor games
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor games in public space
Today, live flooring and interactive projection systems have become the most popular among the various display systems, their ability to respond to any movement from any person in the interactive projection area where it makes their actions come to life right in front of an image and with high-quality effects.

This is impossible! But it surprises and astonishes anyone.

But have you asked yourself! How can I use live flooring? How can this advanced technology be used?

I can assure you that these modern technologies of interactive display systems are able to enter into many aspects and areas that help us tremendously in our daily lives. You can use the interactive floor anywhere you need to attract the audience.

You should see: Interactive Floor Projector Games - New life for your Kids

Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor games for kids
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor games for kids

You can use it for many different purposes, for example:

Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor games
interactive floor projector games for old men
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor games for kids
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor games for kids
The interactive floors enable us to easily control the creation of unusual or exceptional interior decor.
  • Recreation, education, and rehabilitation in schools, nurseries and rehabilitation centers for children and adults.
  • Endless uses in the world of business and advertising for companies and large brands.
  • Add various effects to suit all festivals, events, celebrations, presentations, and events as well.
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive dance floor
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor for dancing show

Many of these places and facilities have already used this technology:

Entertainment centers, schools and kindergartens, cinema, shopping malls and shops, Casinos and Nightclubs, Cafes and Restaurants, Airports and Hotels, Exhibitions and exhibition halls, theaters and museums, playgrounds, and also used in the waiting rooms.
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor projector for weeding
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor projector for wedding

Creative ideas to use Interactive floor Projection:

Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor for kids playing learning
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor for kids playing learning

We will mention you the most popular and the most demanded ideas:
  • Interactive floors for effective interior design decorations.
  • IFloor for successful Business & Advertisements:
Used by many owners and managers of different businesses and large brands already in different areas
You can know more: Interactive floor projection for successful business and advertisement
  • Interactive Floor for Kids
  • Unlimited use in games and entertainment
  • Effective education and training with interactive floors
  • Live Floors for Wedding & Festivals and Events

Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor for kids playing
Interactive Floor Projection, interactive floor for kids playing

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    Interactive floor projector installation tips:

    Interactive Floor Projector installation
    Interactive Floor Projector installation, How to install interactive floor
    Although the interactive floor is able to give you all these solutions and possibilities, it is easy to install, you can install them yourself, but after you have seen these important instructions that you need to know before starting to install interactive floor yourself:
    The installation of interactive floor systems or interactive projection systems is very simple, taking about 30 minutes to two hours.

    Calibrating and configuring the display system requires a specialized qualification for this, but most manufacturers and developers of live display systems and devices configure the system and prepare it for you in advance, where you only need to play and then customize the effects.

    But when installing interactive projection devices to make living floors, there are general rules

    Interactive Floor Projector installation, How to install interactive floor
    Interactive Floor Projector installation, How to install interactive floor
    The equipment is installed in the ceiling, and the main condition here is to make a good installation of the interactive projection system with a solid base, to avoid any damage or insecurity to the participants, you should check the hardness of the ceiling, preferably concrete, brick, and metal.

    In addition, good installation of the equipment in this way is not affected by the general design of the room, nor does it cause any inconvenience during use.

    If you do not have the power to do so, you can install the device in the suspended ceiling, but you must check the safety and durability of the ceiling before installation.

    During the installation of the projector, you need to determine the brightness of the projector, which depends directly on the intensity of natural light (depending on the power of this particular projector selected).

     Interactive Floor Projection systems Technology, live floor

    Interactive projection systems help you to create a single interactive floor, and it enables you to combine a device, two or three to create a dual or triple system, allowing you to significantly increase the required projection area.

    As for the interactive surface and image size, it depends on the height of the interactive floor projector installation.

    The average surface of the interactive projection ranges from 3.5 m to 2.7 m in width, by installing the projector at a height of 3 meters from the projection floor.

    The proper or standard height of the projection device is 3: 5 meters, the developers said “The higher ceiling - the greater projection”.

    It is necessary to speak separately about the place or surface where the interactive projection will be created, i.e. special requirements for covering the ground are not necessary (as in the type, texture, color).
    The color of the floor is almost irrelevant because the interactive floor makes you able to fully control the change of colors and effects, not only that but also makes you able to create custom effects.
    However, the special 3d epoxy paint is only necessary in cases where the minimum color and impact clarity, which may adversely affect the clarity of the display.

    Interactive Floor Projector for unique interior home decor
    Interactive Floor Projector for unique interior home decor

    Also, when the interactive projection surface is made up of a mixture of different coatings, in this case;

    in order for your projector to create an interactive floor, recommended gluing special wear-resistant laminated covering in white for a textured floor (by the way, it is perfect for the interactive floor at all, as it has a high level of wear).

    Or use other material to cover the projection surface such as "linoleum, plastic or carpet"
    In this way, the interactive floor is ready to be used for all (children - young people - the elderly) without any danger to them from any side.

    There are two versions of an interactive floor control:

    1. A laptop or desktop computer to which the projector is connected via cable or Wi-Fi.
    2. through the web interface, if the projector is connected to the Internet.

      Interactive floor quality types:

      How to select the quality interactive floor system?

      One of the most important aspects that concern us all is "the quality of the interactive floor" or “the quality of the interactive projection program”.

      Can you determine the quality of the interactive floors? Or the quality of the interactive projection device?

      When you search for interactive floor products and interactive projection technology, you often see a one-page site with beautiful images from the Internet (so many) at least describe, clippings YouTube and low cost, etc.

      Interactive Floor Projector games for guys
      Interactive Floor Projector games for guys
      We always see web pages filled with interactive floor images with a short description, low-quality YouTube clips, and we have not found enough information to help us determine the quality of interactive floor projection systems.

       Interactive Floor Projection systems Technology

      But before you buy any interactive floor, we will give you some guidance and advice to help you determine the quality of the interactive floor before ordering or buying it, whether it is from electronic stores or other:

      • We would like to inform you that the Chinese interactive floor programs do not have a long life and cannot bear water when compared to high-quality programs, which invested a lot of human and financial resources to develop them.
      • Today, in the markets of systems and programs of interactive projection of floors, walls, windows and other, they provide many amazing offers to sell interactive floor programs at a low price, so you should know the risk of getting any low-quality devices if you are going to buy an interactive floor.
      We will tell you the break points to be able to determine the level of interactive floor quality and interactive projection software before ordering.

      High-Quality Interactive Floor VS Low-Quality Interactive Floor (Chinese Made):

      You can see the difference now in terms of speed of response to movements.

      You will see a significant delay in response to movements as the most important disadvantages of low-price programs, leading to a lack of understanding and clarity of the movement significantly.

      In terms of effects: You will notice the big difference between the quality of the effects, clarity of colors and other things that you will notice with your eyes

      Note: In many interactive projection systems and Chinese-made interactive flooring, they use high-quality effects for the buyer and lure him compared to the price. So we'll give you clear ways to easily determine the quality of the interactive floor yourself.

      Determination of motion in pixel value - One of the most important mechanisms used in determining the quality of interactive projection

      The quality of transmission speed of a motion detection camera and post-processing of the signal system produced and used, going on an algorithm developed specifically for accurate and smooth image control in a well-defined sector.

      As we mentioned the most important factors that will help you to determine the quality of interactive floors, we will inform you about the prices of the interactive projection system.

      Interactive floors projector system price & How to buy?

      Interactive Floor Projector, interactive floor for playing, dancing
      Interactive Floor Projector, interactive floor for playing, dancing
      When you know the price of interactive floors, you will feel it expensive, but this feeling will go completely when you compare this price to the set of infinite settings and uses of these systems.

      Experts and developers rely on the interactive projection system to determine the interactive floor rate (the cost of devices + the cost of software) to reach the approximate average price.

      On average, the cost and prices of the interactive floor and interactive projection floor in the market range from 3000$: 6000$

      After knowing what is the interactive living ground and the interactive projection system? And what is its size? The most important ideas to use? Besides your ability to determine quality by yourself? How much does it cost?

      Now you can search for special offers to buy an interactive floor, but let's make it all easier for you. We have brought you the most quality products and the most sought after from the famous electronic stores in one place to choose what suits you.

      Have you ever wanted to use an interactive floor on your special occasions, but you have not been able to buy them at the moment? It is no longer a problem.

      Interactive floor prices for rent:

      The interactive floor is available to all through rent, an alternative method used by many companies to develop and sell interactive projection systems.

      In addition, interactive floor rentals are an innovative approach to exhibitions, festivals, events, and children, but they are much cheaper than buying a full set of a live display system for interactive floor work.

      Interactive Floor Projector, interactive floor for games and events
      Interactive Floor Projector, interactive floor for games and events
      In most companies of Interactive Floor and Projectors, They keep track of steady steps:
      • The company sends the specialists to calculate expectations and to see certain things.
      • They then bring in the required equipment, software and effects, and then install and prepare them for viewing within 2 hours.
      • The effects, offers or alterations of images and trademarks shall be customized as per your request or the purpose of the event or occasion.
      Of course, the interactive floor will evolve dramatically and become more complex and go for more uses than we have seen.

      Immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience!

      Imagine that you have a content of completely different nature, let it be your company's logo, product photos, etc.

      Entertaining videos that are displayed on the floor, and when someone goes to them, they are "alive".
      Explode, transform, or turn into that someday otherwise.

      Interactive Floor Projector, interactive floor for kids games and events
      Interactive Floor Projector, interactive floor for kids games and events

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      It really surprised almost everyone!

      Now, with this new technology, it is possible to make your home cozy, unusual and spectacular.
      We hope to know the best effect or interactive floor projector that you like as one of the visitors and followers of  3DEX , through the most image is shared by visitors and followers,

      Be a resident of this amazing technology and give your perceptions??

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      Your Full Guide to Interactive Floor Projection systems Technology
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