Interactive floor projection for successful business and advertisement

How to promoting your new brand by the interactive floor projector, Interactive floor projection for successful business, advertisement, Organizing events and festivals, it is the best technology for companies and managers 

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

The interactive projection technology infiltrated all aspects of our lives and became a part of the life of many profitable companies and advertising campaigns for world famous brands.
There are so many questions around these smart systems concerning how it works, the ways to use it and so many inquiries that haven’t been answered on the internet because of the modernity of this technology.
However, today we bring to you this article for the sake of answering the largest number of inquiries and questions in your mind that reached us from 3DEX Art followers and visitors.

I want to reassure you that the interactive projection systems will create and control the future of lots of fields such as interactive advertisements, marketing, promotion and interactive gaming technology…etc.

Back then, interactive floors were considered only one of outdoor-advertisements platforms; it was the sole use of it. But, in few years, ideas of how to use it were developed and the specialized developers also greatly enhanced the interactive floor effects.
This development wasn’t just in marketing, but it also helped it enter all corners of the fields of business and commerce. That’s why it became the most preferable advertisement platform by many companies and huge and small brands.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

You should see: Your Full Guide to Interactive Floor Projection systems Technology

Interactive floor projection for successful brands:

Not all advertising agencies or company managers have the time or the opportunity to experiment with modern technology for their own brand ads or company management, for they prefer depending on advertising tools that have proven their worth before such as internet ads and television. Still, the interactive floor technology has advanced and fully entered the business world. This is evident in the large number of requests to own/buy an interactive floor on our website, and the messages and inquiries concerning the installation of an interactive projection system and how it’s used in ads, events and more. It’s another direction of technology – 3d video mapping – it’s the technology that can transform any surface into an image or video that interacts effectively with any movement done in the projection space.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

The interactive projection system 

It is basically a program that can reflect an image onto different surfaces like floors, walls, surfaces and other vertical and horizontal surfaces, but it’s considered the most advanced and the best ever for a number of reasons that we’re about to figure out together.

The interactive floor is a chance for everyone to feel like their movements are being transferred to live animations under their feet. It’s the unique system that responds to people’s movements through an infrared sensor camera that captures the movements of whoever walks on the interactive surface; from the first step they get amazed and keep moving till they change the images under their feet with a number of surprising visual effects.
This is what immediately captures the audience’s attention, it’s amazing!
But the important question here is
how can you utilize the interactive floor technology and live floor systems in your private business inside and outside of your company? And to what extent will it make you able to grow your business using modern and unique ways?
Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

How to use promotional interactive floors in your private business:

What type of business? Are you a company owner? Do you own any kind of profitable or commercial projects?
The interactive floor system was designed for you and every manager or employer who always wants to keep a positive perception of their products and brands from all aspects. In addition to that, it will greatly help you in managing business and processes because it has lots of settings that make you able to periodically follow up, control and develop your private business.

Today, I ensure that every business owner needs to start using the interactive floor technology for what it will bring from opportunities and unique ideas in all aspects of business management and in different fields as well. This made entrepreneurs and business owners rush to order or request the interactive floor.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

This is also evident in the huge, developed presence of the interactive floor in lots of public places like advertisement platforms, and in its presence within companies for administrative and organizational uses.
The interactive floor greatly entered lots of profitable institutions like malls, exhibitions, cinemas, clubs, cafes, restaurants, schools, nurseries, entertainment centers, nightclubs and casinos, hospitals and clinics, metro and train stations, waiting rooms, shops and wedding venues. For it became one of the strongest external advertising tools (the image is projected onto the floor in open-air interacting with the audience directly and immediately)

Interactive floor systems in business didn’t just stop at helping with creating and following successful advertising campaigns, but they went deeper than that. They effectively contributed to full business management within institutions where they were differently used in:

  • Organizing events, festivals, performances and celebrations uniquely.
  • Periodic training for the team in motivating ways.
  • Creating and saving reports and statistics about your company.

If you’re really passionate about the continuous development of your business, or if you’re looking for an all-in-one solution, the interactive floor makes you able to shape a positive perception about your product and your brand, which benefits the growth in sales and significantly increases customer loyalty.

You can see also: Why The Interactive floor projector become Trend today

Live floor systems

Live floor designed to create attractive presentations and to spread a new generation of successful advertising. See for yourself how it was utilized by managers and owners of various profit institutions and securities in advertising, administration, training and qualification for employees, events and more.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

Interactive floor systems for successful advertisement campaigns

 With every minute passing, the requirements of consumers and the public increase as well as their follow-up of the news of products and different trademarks. Not only that, but it reached the point where they follow advertisement campaigns of trademarks and brands.
Accordingly, traditional advertising became uninteresting and ineffective, which made it get worse every year. This pushed marketers and huge advertising agencies all around the world to search for modern, effective advertising tools for the promotion and marketing of their products that can surprise people and affect them greatly, which is necessary for gaining a greater number of new customers for their brand.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

One of these new, modern tools for excellent results was the interactive video graphics, so out came interactive floor advertising platforms that make you able to present a very effective ad that will also interact with the viewer unlike any other digital ads.

 At first, when interactive projection technology was introduced in the field of advertising and advertising, it was taken quite a lot by the professional community, marketers and advertising agencies. 

However, after the amazement and pleasure that the interactive floor gives the audience, its great effective impact on people and its ability to grab everyone’s attention, today, no one doubts that external interactive advertising platforms gained great interest from advertisers, owners and entrepreneurs among the traditional advertising media for its ability to present unique and exclusive solutions for advertising in all fields.
However, the main aims of the interactive floor in advertising are entertaining the audience, grabbing their attention and giving them positive emotions whenever someone passes on it in malls, shopping places, public places and more. This helps you increase customers of your personal business or brand.

At first sight, and when you use interactive floor advertising platforms, when a person steps on the interactive advertising floor it seems very effective for how it completely grabs the audience’s attention as well as the surprise and joy whoever steps on it feels; then they start moving (right-left-forward-back) to interact with lots of different, high-quality effects like: interactive rabbits, scoring goals in the interactive football field and moving waves with their feet.
But in fact, there is a nominal goal for every business owner which is the appearance of the logo or brand among these effects so that participants can interact with it, giving you the opportunity to win new customers for your brand and increase your target audience's growth.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

It’s worth noting that we’ve many product owners and companies that have already used interactive projection platforms on the ground were surprised and puzzled especially after they felt the impact of these ads on the public’s moods or emotions through direct interaction with it. This gives positive feelings to the participants when their movements turn into vivid images with special effects.
Ever seen all these numbers of people and customers interacting with your brand this way?

What’s amazing is that huge advertising agencies that used the interactive projection system in promoting their products stressed that the public or customers gained from this smart advertising medium become the most loyal to the product or brand after a short period of time.
The huge, amazing effect of this smart advertising tool on the public alongside the opportunities and infinite ideas it presents in ads and business gives it the right to be there significantly in the future; in addition to the strong expectations of marketing experts worldwide that the interactive floor system will become one of the most advanced means of advertising and marketing.

The interactive floor or interactive projection: an unusual way of attracting all types of customers to your brand and affecting them. 

How the interactive floor system affects the client: 

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

A unique advantage of this type of 3d video mapping is that it interacts directly with people and it depends entirely on the actions happening on the interactive projection surface.
Developers of live floors and advertising and marketing professionals are racing to innovate modern ways of influencing the customer using interactive ground systems, which resulted in a variety of influences that can capture the person's attention instantly.

Also, from the unique features of interactive floor ads is that it utilizes the natural habit of looking down most of the time; that’s why the presence of the ad on the ground gives it the ability to be noticed. At the international economic forum conferences, an ambassador said that this type of ads doesn’t leave anyone indifferent, especially in light of the crowded publicity around us as the impact of visual images on a person in traditional ads doesn’t compare to the interactive ads platforms’ impact through the interactive floor ads.

It even reached the point where most of the time people would stop and take pictures with the interactive advertising platform and, certainly, the brand.

There are some statistics and clear data showing the impact of the interactive floor in advertising and marketing:

  • attracts 100% of children 
  • 80% of people pay attention to the interactive floor advertising platform
  • 34% interacts with the interactive ad on the floor for 3 seconds

There are also some situations and cases that reflect the huge impact of the interactive floor and live floor projector on the public and shoppers

In a famous mall in downtown New York, a store owner said he had the passion to experiment with these systems to see their ability to attract the public amidst the crowds of ads inside the mall.
After he used interactive floor advertising platforms, he said that lots of families came back to him saying that their children are the ones who asked to come back again just so they can watch the interactive floor, as the kids’ attachment to it doesn’t allow parents to leave shopping malls.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

It doesn’t only affect children, but it also forces adults and grown-ups to interact with it for what it gives from pleasure and excitement.

New Tech: Interactive Floor Projector Games - New life for your Kids

There’s one prevailing view among adults: it's amazing! Grabs attention unnaturally! And it also reminds them of childhood.
Interactive floors prolong shopping time for adults and grown-ups by about half.

Interactive floor projector for your next event:

What’s the type of the upcoming event or occasion at your work?
It’s not necessary to know the type of event! Since the interactive floor and interactive projection system offers you an unlimited number of unique effects that suits different events no matter how important or huge they are! Not only that, but it also gives you a large number of settings to help you design and customize exclusive effects for each event.

The interactive floor in the world of business is one of the best tools and means to organize events; this shows its ability to participate effectively in the planning and implementation of various aspects, as affecting the public and completely grabbing their attention in an event requires the use of smart technologies like this. It also helps you organize the event in advance and arrange and control all of its stages.

The interactive floor makes events more effective because it depends on direct contact with the person; this feature makes it better among the traditional projectors used in different events.

Using Live floor in effective management:

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

The interactive floor projection is able to participate in the business world effectively for what it possesses from countless innovative settings and modern effects specially designed to help managers and businessmen manage their own business. It’s also prepared with many advanced control systems like the built-in eye control that makes it easy for you to:

  1. Get reports on your own work and view them with exciting effects
  2. Analyze complicated statistics using innovative ways given to you through the unlimited settings
  3. Keep the reports and data you collect permanently 
  4. Periodically follow-up operations for your business

The smartest tool ever that’s needed to make you step up your business game amidst this tremendous development around us.
So, when asked, lots of managers and brand owners who relied heavily on the interactive floor to manage their business said “The interactive floor projection is an integrated system for successful business.”

Interactive floor for effective training and rehabilitation:

All those advantages we mentioned about the use of the interactive floor technology in the world of developed business are not just it! In fact, there are lots of countless settings and effects provided to you by the interactive and live floor system to develop your own business.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

Regarding the qualification of the team and the development of their skills:

  • Pictures are almost life-size
  • You can clearly read the lines displayed from all around the room 
  • View animations with exciting 3D effects
  • Achieve a state of interaction between the trainees during training periods through the methods of presentation and innovative participation

It’s also utilized by managers to motivate trainees and employees to get work and activities done in the most effective ways.

Ideas for the interactive floor system that were applied in various profitable enterprises:

The great impact the interactive floor technology achieved in various business fields and advertising made it at the top of the list of external advertising tools and significantly increased its popularity in our country and in the world.
In addition to that comes a large number of successful stories I managing and promoting various profitable institutions.
For it helped lots of profitable institutions present innovative and effective examples to promote their products and increase the customers for their brand. It also enabled them to make the logo of the brand turn into a play-area that interacts with adults and young people.
If we were to talk about all these ideas that can be used in enterprises and different companies alongside the ideas you can utilize in your personal business, we’ll surely need all week!
However, we’ll mention some examples for ideas that were applied by different business owners and companies that led to amazing results

Interactive floor in Google centers: 

Google stands in the front row of huge companies that used the interactive floor technology and interactive floor projection in different locations around the world

Interactive floors in malls and shopping centers: 

From the places that greatly used this technology most. If you’re the owner of a mall, a supermarket or any other similar kind of business enterprises, buy or rent an interactive floor and make it the advertising platform for your product or brand and watch what’s going to happen! You’ll grab the attention of 100% of kids and lots of adults and grow-ups through special, unique and effective effects. Everyone will interact with your brand!

Interactive floors in restaurants and cafes:

Many entrepreneurs who own large or developing projects used live and interactive flooring to promote their facilities and gain more public. In this kind of profitable establishments (restaurants, cafes, night clubs, wedding venues) lots of brilliant ideas were presented by the interactive projection flooring like dancing floors, which are 3D effects and animations (of flowers – hearts – balls) that scatter effectively when you walk on them, then appears the logo of your brand between them attractively in unique ways.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

It was also used in entrances, making the entrance area unconventional in nightclubs, cafes and restaurants and giving a person positive feelings in the first moments of their presence in the place. Others also used it to create play-areas for children and adults.
It was also used in games and entertainment centers for children and adults and schools as well as educational centers and training and rehabilitation.

So you can see: 3D projection for wedding on dress and cake (video)

Why interactive floor systems are the best for your business:

The unique features and countless uses of the interactive floor system or live floors in the business and commerce world that we talked about are compelling reasons for many to use this technology now. However, there are still some special features that concern all employers and managers before using interactive floors: what if your advertisement in public interacts with all pedestrians?

The interactive floor lets you create effective advertising ideas, work on delivering the message of the ad in unconventional ways and achieve amazing results towards the development of your brand.
 It allows you to choose from hundreds of different effects to make interactive presentations and customize and design special effects and incorporate your distinctive brand.

It supports Internet connection, which makes you able to remotely control it through different control systems and also gives you the ability to control your advertising platforms in person.
Extremely secure, all formative effects, there is no actual contact with the public so the risk to the public or damage to the system is zero.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

Supports viewing all video and audio files, and displays very realistic graphics.
Allows you to make countless interactive presentations in and control their order and presentation.
After all traditional forms and types of external advertising became ineffective giving their expensive cost, it’s best to efficiently put the budget into innovative forms of interactive advertising; interactive flooring is undoubtedly one of them.

The unique feature of the interactive floor system is that it gives you statistics and clear numbers of all the interactions that took place and the time of each interaction. 

Don’t worry about using new forms of advertising and modern management methods;
with the interactive floor technology and live systems you can achieve the most daring ideas for the continuous promotion and development of your product or brand.

Interactive floor projection for promoting business and advertisement

If you’re one of those who requested these systems or used them in any field, we hope you’ll leave a summary of your experience with this technology for all 3DEX followers who are interested in using the interactive floor technology in the world of business.

You can see also: How to use 3D epoxy flooring for promoting your business

If you’re not one of those who applied this technique in their own work, can you share with us the best effect you like and want to apply?

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