All types of 3d stretch ceiling designs 2018, 3d ceiling art

How to install 3d stretch ceiling with photo printing and 3d ceiling art, 3d stretch ceiling designs types, and how to choose the suitable stretch ceiling for your interior design 2018, glossy ceiling, arch, cone and waves stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling with 3d effect

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Stretch ceilings are no longer unusual. Today, this is the usual design for many residential and public buildings. The ceiling can be tightened with fabric or polyvinyl chloride material, has a variety of colors and textures. But the stretch cloth with a 3D effect is a completely different technology. Such products help to expand the space, make it "alive", cause delight and even surprise from the contemplation of these materials. The term "three-dimensional image" means that the picture does not look flat, but deep. Prior to it, I want to touch, and to consider such a ceiling can be a long time, finding new facets and features. In the article, we will talk about 3D stretch ceilings.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

A special effect is the connection of a three-dimensional drawing with multilevel structures. True, one should observe an important rule in design - do not overdo it, otherwise the feeling of coziness and comfort will instantly disappear.

What is the 3d stretch ceiling:

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

It should be noted that this type of product is universal in its application. That is, 3D stretch ceilings can be mounted both in a residential building and in an office building. Of course, the more advantageous option is when the canvas is used in a large space, as already small rooms simply lose their attractiveness, and will have a negative impact on the condition of people in the room.

In general, stretch ceilings are a system consisting of a set of canvases and profiles, which is fixed under the main ceiling overlap. The fabric can consist of polyester textile or polyvinyl chloride film, and the guides can be aluminum or plastic. To achieve a three-dimensional effect, manufacturers apply a special volumetric pattern directly on the flat surface of the material or mount the structure on the walls, giving it different shapes and reliefs.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Stretch ceilings are created on the basis of polyester, are resistant to different temperatures, are not afraid of its sharp differences and their installation is made by a simplified scheme since there is no need to use heat guns to warm up the canvas. The vinyl material is a more complex product in the installation since it requires warming up for high-quality tension, but at the same time, such a product is absolutely not afraid of exposure to moisture. And if the flooding happened, then it's quite easy to fix the situation, just drain the water and wait for the drying of the canvas.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

They are polyvinylchloride ceilings that can have different effects, due to the processing of the material in a special way. For example, there is a glossy or a matte coating, as well as a relief structure. The most striking effect can be achieved precisely in a combination of 3D-image and glossy. The figure is maximally voluminous, and the mirror image perfectly complements the picture. On the matte paintings are usually applied to large images, as this is a non-reflective base, which is a beautiful background. And, finally, satin ceilings, having a light relief, help to expand the boundaries of the image, make colors and shapes deeper.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

If you want to arrange in a room not just ceilings with a three-dimensional image, but also add textures, bulges, waves or implement other ideas, it should be borne in mind that this is only possible if the height of the room is not less than 280-300 cm. In another, The case of the construction will only clutter the space and the desired result will not be achieved.

Tips to 3D stretch ceiling DIY:

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

The technology of production of ceilings with a three-dimensional image appeared after the designers were able to use the method of photo printing and fabric. You can choose a specific drawing from the catalogs or offer your own version. Today, it is not difficult to print absolutely any image and at the same time, the web remains as resistant to sunlight and moisture, as in the case of a conventional stretch ceiling, without an image.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

To create a model of the future project, various programs that can render 3D images help. Such software allows you to clearly visualize the planned design from all possible sides, including even the smallest details. Also, these tools help to make calculations, select color solutions and create sketches for each part of the canvas separately.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art for living room

Get a 3D drawing on the ceiling helps a special printer that is able to reproduce on the canvas widescreen resolution. The subject of images is not limited to anything but common sense. Each future owner chooses that design, which will correspond to his ideas and design of the room. The most popular themes are celestial and cosmic bodies, various representatives of flora and fauna, landscapes (mountains, sea, meadows, etc.). Also, there are orders for printing images with photos of people.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

The picture can be applied to the entire canvas, or only to some part of it. In this case, in larger areas, more often more voluminous images are used.

If you need to divide the space into visual zones, then the image on the canvas can also help, it's enough just to separate the parts by the color effect. Of course, here it is very important to think in advance of the whole future design so that the 3d stretched ceiling is in harmony with the rest of the details. 

The presence in the interior of three-dimensional stretch ceilings has its own style, which is called ultramodern.

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Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Any type of canvas is suitable for drawing a picture - vinyl (glossy, satin or matte) and textile. But it should be taken into account the fact that film products can be produced only in rolls, the width of which is limited to 5 m. And if there is a need to install a design in a room with large parameters, you will either need to customize the drawing or use another material altogether.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art for bathroom

It is for such cases (with a large space), it is recommended to use seamless polyester linens. It is also often used with the installation of a multi-level 3D ceiling in which vinyl film with a three-dimensional image occupies only small areas, for example, limited to geometric shapes, etc. It is the combination of drywall and stretch ceiling that is today the most commonly used installation solution 3D-ceilings. To increase the volume of the image, in addition to the frame used, lighting also helps, which in principle plays a huge role in the design of space, and in cases of creating a three-dimensional effect without additional lighting equipment simply can not do.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

The technique of drawing the picture assumes that the image on the canvas is applied in a compressed form. That is, only after the material is straightened and mounted, you can see the true beauty and design of designers. Photo printing is the simplest way to create stretch ceilings with the effect of three-dimensionality. It is not necessary to use complex shapes, but at the same time, such canvases can be installed in rooms with insufficient ceiling heights.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

The situation is more complicated with the combination of tension panels and gypsum boards. Here, the flight of 3d stretch ceiling designs thought is simply boundless. 

Guides can be installed at different angles and levels, have smooth transitions or sharp features, be flat or with an additional volume, and so on. To date, there are many different ways to install tension 3D-systems, the most popular curvilinear forms include three options.

The best types of stretch ceiling 3d designs:

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Arch stretch ceiling:

 this method involves smooth transitions from the walls to the ceiling, creating a rounded effect. The radius can be almost anything, as required by the design project. In addition, often used designs, which harmoniously combines several arches, different heights, and radius. In cases where glossy cloths with a mirror effect are applied, it is possible to visually expand the space and increase its height. The arches installed along the perimeter of the building form a kind of dome.

Cone stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

 the canvas is mounted in such a way that it creates a feeling that drops fall from the ceiling or create the effect of being present in the cave with stalactites. The top of each cone, as a rule, is decorated with a lamp or if there are columns in the room, the cone can rest against this element. The bottom of the hinged structure can look like a truncated plane of various shapes - an oval, a square, a circle or a rectangle.

Waves stretch ceiling design

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

this technique assumes that the web is attached to the wall by wavy curves. In this case, and the stretch ceiling coating is obtained in the form of waves, which can be of either a single value or different. The effect of sand dunes, or coastal waves, that swim and scatter in different directions is created. This is one of the most effective ways to create a three-dimensional stretch ceiling, but at the same time, it is also the most difficult to install the design.

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Of course, these are far from the only options for creating 3D stretch ceilings, often designers come up with and implement absolutely insane ideas in which the forms are so intricately intertwined that it is difficult to determine where one starts and another figure ends.

Installation of stretch ceilings with a 3D effect

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Stretched 3D-systems have almost the same installation technologies as conventional stretch ceilings, the differences are only in small details. It is best to entrust installation to professionals who will not only qualitatively produce the installation but will also offer warranty service for at least 2 years.

You can see: 3D stretch ceiling designs DIY and Modern ceiling Art 2018

To date, there are 3 basic methods of fixing the canvas:

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

wedge - that is, with this method, the film is fixed with the help of special wedges, the further dismantling of which is practically not feasible. The edges of the canvas are not processed in any way and therefore, during installation, accurate calculations are not required, only approximate indicators are sufficient after the installation is complete, the excess material is simply cut off;

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

harpoon - the canvas along the edge has a special fastening system - hooks-harpoons, which, when tensioning, are fixed in the wall profile. There is the possibility of partial dismantling and re-fastening. This is very convenient in cases where there is a flooding of the ceiling from above, it is enough just to unfasten one and the corners and drain the accumulated water. Often this method of installation is applied to polyvinylchloride canvases, while it is important to make accurate calculations so that the material does not sag, and it was enough for normal tension;

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

glazed - this method does not require the installation of a stretch ceiling skirting board, the canvas is attached to the wall with aluminum or plastic rails.

The main difference between these ways of attaching canvases with a three-dimensional image from conventional stretch ceilings is that in addition to standard profiles, special spacers are also used here, which outwardly look like three-dimensional faces. That is, the main elements of the design are the dividers of the three-dimensional form, baguette, cloth, as well as the frame, in cases of installing a multi-level system. Very often it is the 3D effect that can be achieved only with the lighting turned on. So that the lamps can be included in one of the mandatory elements of a stretch three-dimensional ceiling.

Why choose the stretch 3D ceilings

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Advantages of this type of decoration a great many, it is worth mentioning only some of them to understand how profitable it is to have in the house stretch ceilings with a 3D effect:
  • linen have high practicality and durability;
  • to care for such a design is fairly easy, it is even possible to apply wet cleaning;
  • excellent wear resistance of all elements of the stretch ceiling;
  • even if the main ceiling has unevenness, the design completely covers this disadvantage and no additional alignment or any other work is required;
  • quick installation, which is quite feasible even with a fully furnished interior, while the amount of dirt and dust during installation is minimal;
  • the three-dimensional image allows you to increase the attractiveness of the interior;
  • the composition of materials is safe and environmentally friendly;
  • clothes do not attract dust, so do not become a place of its collection, as well as the cause of allergic reactions;
  • if there is an unforeseen situation in the house and the stretch ceiling is flooded with water, it is enough just to call a master who gently releases one corner of the canvas and merges the liquid, and then again returns the stretch ceiling to its normal state.

New 3D ceiling designs and 3d stretch ceiling

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Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art for living room

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art for living room

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art for bedroom

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art

Stretch ceiling,3d stretch ceiling, stretch ceiling DIY, stretch ceiling designs,3d ceiling art for bedroom 2018

In general, it can be said that it is the application of three-dimensional stretch ceilings that make it possible to realize many ideas of designers and create a real luxurious interior. Also, the owners of such paintings will forget about many problems that were mandatory for the usual plastered, painted or otherwise decorated ceiling.

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All types of 3d stretch ceiling designs 2018, 3d ceiling art
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