nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

How to choose the best nursery curtains for kid's room, which colors to choose for curtains in the nursery, new kids curtains 2018, All types of nursery curtains 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

The nursery is a special room. Each parent seeks to make it truly beautiful, comfortable, and safe. A special role for children is played by the textile decoration of the room in general and windows in particular. What should be the nursery curtains? What is the factors other than design affect the choice of children's curtains? All important aspects and nuances - from practical to psychological - are collected in our article.

nursery curtains design 2018 - basic requirements

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

This room is a real magic. Here a new person grows, growing up, learning the world, fantasizing, engaging and communicating with friends. This requires a comfortable and safe space. Like any piece of furniture designed for a kids room, curtains must meet certain requirements.

They should have an fantastic effect. Simply put on that does not attract dust. This will not only help to preserve a neat appearance but also will not create a nutrient medium for the development of allergies.

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

It is desirable that the nursery curtains designs are made of natural fibers. Then they will be safe for children's health. As a rule, it is difficult to find interior and decoration materials in a modern city, which at the same time would be strong, durable and natural.

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In a kids room, synthetic fabrics can also be used, provided that they are painted and treated with safe compounds and have appropriate hygienic certificates.

The nursery curtain design is selected in accordance with the age of the occupant of the room.

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

nursery curtains should open enough light and fresh air into the room, so their models should be not only decorative but also functional.
It is highly desirable that all electrical and heating appliances are sufficiently far from the curtains, regardless of the child's age.

How to choose the nursery curtains for your kids:

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

When choosing a variant of a textile design of windows, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the age category of the owner of the room.

Quite small children need a calm and harmonious environment. The best option for them will be curtains of pastel tones with soft pictures. It is better if these curtains are made of natural material. 

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

Perhaps, natural cotton looks modest, but it has a natural origin, and it is much more appropriate in the kid's room of the baby than the tulle waves of synthetic fabric. 

when the child Growing up, the child becomes more interest in the world around him. Therefore it is possible to choose curtains with the image of letters of the alphabet, numbers, machines or various animals and birds.

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

 Let the drawings be clear, but not too colorful, so as not to disturb the kid's nervous system in the evenings. The design of such curtains should be simple, the most common vertical opening curtains are best. 

Variants with chain or rope mechanisms should be avoided. Not only are they a great temptation for a young researcher, they may also be unsafe.

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new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

when The child grows, his interests and tastes change. He has his favorite cartoons and heroes, he already understands games and fairy tales. It's time to change the curtains. Suitable fabric, decorated with your favorite characters.

 For those who want to develop fantasy and intelligence, you can recommend finding curtains with the letters of the English alphabet, simple arithmetic examples, words. This will help the child to learn new volumes of information. 

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

This period of growing up can be quite damaging to the environment - furniture, wallpaper, and textiles. To not particularly worry about curtains, it is better to choose them from a simple cloth that is easy to wash.

 Do not make the nursery curtains too long, they will quickly get dirty and break off their fastenings in the most mystical way, especially after active games. The motto of this age category is the simpler,

Recently, fashion has been strengthened to decorate curtains for kids room, large images of favorite fairy-tale characters. 

Despite all the attractiveness of this option, it should be noted that the child's tastes change quickly, Therefore, do not limit the imagination of anyone.

Did the child go to school? Well, such an event is a good occasion to update the design of the children's room and replace the curtains.
new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

 In this case, you can choose a practical curtain. Such curtains will create a reliable light protection and will help the pupil to have a rest. 

In addition, if you fix them on the windows, then the functional window opening will increase, on the windowsill you can put live plants or handicrafts, which will necessarily appear as a result of the performance of school creative assignments.

 As for the color scheme, it is better not to be zealous, too bright colors can tire the psyche, which is already subjected to quite a strong impact of the new rules of school life.

Time goes by, and for a teenager, you need a completely different room design. There may appear sharp, contrasting colors, and unusual patterns, and non-standard designs of curtains.

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

 This is understandable because the child has entered the age of experiments. The most appropriate decision is to give the owner of the room complete freedom of action in choosing. 

Let him or she determine what they want - to see a portrait of an idol on a roller blind or a fantastic landscape, and maybe they will like strict folds of metalized fabrics or luxurious overflows of satin curtains.

The nursery curtains - effect of color on the psyche of the kids

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

When choosing curtains for kids room, it is necessary to take into account the influence of color on the psyche and the mood of the growing up person.

Red and its shades help the activity, improve appetite and mobility. However, they can cause aggression, emotional overheating. Such curtains do not contribute to the mood for evening rest, so it is better not to hang them in the rooms of small children, who are prone to emotional overexcitation.

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

The pink color, which mothers of little princesses love so much, is not in vain chosen as a symbol of love. He, indeed, bears in itself a reserve of tenderness and creates a sense of security. This color calms and even helps to relax.

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

Orange color evokes cheerfulness and promotes a good mood. It can be used in the rooms of young children to create an active and at the same time, a benevolent atmosphere. Do not give preference to an overly bright shade of orange, it can provoke anxiety and even demonstrative behavior.
 The best is terracotta, peach shades of color, they can be an excellent background for curtains. Bright, orange strokes will add to the dynamism of the composition, and at the same time, will not over-excite the child.

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

Green color curtains for the nursery is one of the most successful. This color is closest to nature, harmonious, has a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system, while not inhibiting the thought processes, but, on the contrary, activating them. Especially good are green curtains in the bedroom of hyperactive or simply overly excitable children. This color will calm and tune into a measured evening mood

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new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

Blue - the color of severity, seriousness, and organization. Suitable more for a child's teenager or schoolboy, as it helps to tune in to perform compulsory cases. - blue color - will give comfort and peace, relieve tension. It is ideal for a small child's nursery. But not too good for the room where the student lives since the blue strongly hinders concentration.

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

Violet color has a lot of contradictory characteristics, contributes to the mystical enthusiasm and the search for the meaning of life. It is better to use it as a compliment, in combination with other, more unambiguous colors. Not recommended an abundance of purple in the rooms where teenagers live. It will only intensify the contradictory feelings and emotions, which is already excessive in the transition age.
new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

The best nursery curtain designs ideas for kids

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

new nursery curtains - the best kids curtain designs ideas 2018

nursery curtains- is not only an element of the interior but also a part of the world of the child, surrounded by which it grows. Therefore, the approach to their choice should be dictated, first of all, by safety and comfort, and only then - by an interior fashion or style issues.

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