New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

how to design the corner kitchen and corner kitchen cabinet, top tips and ideas to make corner kitchen and how to arrange your kitchen in the L-shaped cabinets with new decorating ideas, corner sink

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Modern kitchens differ significantly from those that were previously, primarily, components of the headset and highly functional equipment. One of the most versatile, ergonomic and comfortable to use are corner kitchens. They are optimal for small compact rooms, and in spacious rooms with a sufficient amount of free space look very stylish and concise.

Planning the design of corner kitchen, the first thing to think about is the placement of all the equipment and only then arrange cabinets and other elements of the headset.

How to arrangement Home appliances from corner kitchen

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

corner kitchen can perfectly accommodate a large number of equipment. The hob, dishwasher, ventilation, extractor hood, microwave oven, coffee maker and other assistants can be built in, which saves a significant amount of space.

Choosing the best kitchen wall panels from different materials

How to design a corner kitchen

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

So, you have definitely decided on the technique in the kitchen. Now you can start designing the kitchen, and here you need to think through all the details. In the foreground - easy access and convenience in the operation of all elements. In the placement of instruments experts advise:

ovens and panels are best placed in the lower cabinets;
microwave ovens and other household appliances it is advisable to place in the upper hanging cabinets;

so that the arrangement of the instruments does not seem chaotic, try to keep them close to each other, be it a kitchen with limited space, be it a spacious free space.

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

When designing a corner kitchen, it is important to consider the efficiency and practicality of the space used. The basic rule, which greatly simplifies the stay in the kitchen, is as follows: the stove, refrigerator, and sink should be placed next to each other. This significantly saves cooking time.

Also, when planning the design of corner kitchen, think of the so-called "paths" - all kinds of options for passage between tables, shelves, curbstones. Make sure that there are absolutely no barriers on your way to the cutting table, stove, fridge, cupboards or sink. Only so the project can be considered successful and safe.

Angle washer - stylish solution for the L-shaped kitchen

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

One of the most important advantages of the angular layout of a furniture ensemble is that it can fit organically into a room of any shape and size - you only need to determine the length of the sides of the headset - whether it is a composition in the form of a letter "G" or an angle with equal segments.

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

 In the corner kitchens of standard apartments, with an area of not more than 6.5 square meters. m, as a rule, the suite is located long side along the wall with communications (stove, water heater, sink), the short side usually adjoins the doorway. 

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Such an arrangement allows not only to place a sufficient number of storage systems and to integrate household appliances but also leave space for a small dining group or a bar counter.

Modern German kitchen design ideas and cabinets - 30 German kitchens

Often in standard apartments set L-shaped corner kitchen with a sink in the corner. The advantages of such a sink in many ways explain its popularity:

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

saves space for the countertop and several more useful compartments, since the corner sink will not take up as much space as the traditional rectangular sink normally takes;

a diverse design (shapes, colors) allows you to enter such a design in absolutely any interior;

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

usually, kitchens with corner sinks are much more convenient in everyday life, as the hostess does not have to travel from the desk to the stove or from the sink to the fridge;

a large enough space under the sink allows you to store here besides the trash can, large utensils, household chemicals and other necessary things in the corner kitchen. 

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Along with the advantages, it is worth noting and some drawbacks of such a layout:

if the sink is too large, the space behind the sink becomes more often unclaimed. Although on this site you can place objects, rather, performing a decorative function;

if necessary, the repair of plumbing, in this case, will be quite difficult, since the door of the locker under the corner sink is often much smaller than the space hiding behind it.

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Sinks are made from various materials on which the appearance, characteristics and, of course, the cost of the product depends:

Stainless steel.  The most affordable and popular version of washers. Stainless steel products of different shapes, they are hygienic, heat resistant and unpretentious in use. Among the minuses note the possibility of hardly noticeable scratches and loud noise during the opening of the water.

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Natural or artificial stone. A cheap option, and sinks made of artificial stone, both in terms of characteristics and price, sometimes do not differ from models from natural material.

Pottery. Such structures are, in fact, rather fragile, but modern technologies are being improved, so that today reliable and durable products are mostly on sale. Ceramic washing perfectly tolerates chemical and temperature effects.

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Connoisseurs of all unusual, unique and exclusive in the interior often choose sinks from bamboo, wood or glass. But here it is necessary to understand that those who prefer such art-objects first of all are guided not so much by performance characteristics as by an aesthetic appearance.

How to decorating design of corner kitchen

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Undoubtedly, the final and important stage of the arrangement of the L-shaped kitchen is decoration. It is this component of design that plays a key role in creating a mood, a special atmosphere, and coziness in the room.

 After all, every mistress wants to emphasize her individuality and her own style, not only in her appearance but also in her home interior. And for many, the kitchen is the fascinating room in terms of decor. 

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Flower compositions, picture painting, decorative utensils, original coasters, flowerpots and even mirrors - all this takes place to be in the kitchen. But there are also nuances that are important to consider when decorating a kitchen:
  • the stylistic orientation of design;
  • the expected accent elements in the kitchen;
  • color solution;
  • the size of the corner kitchen (a small kitchen is not allowed to be cluttered with extra decorative things).
New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Interior decoration can serve not only purely decorative objects but also practical devices with an exquisite design. For example, in the next photo, vertical storage systems not only save space but also serve as an original decoration of the kitchen interior: vertical doors disrupt the monotonous monotony of horizontal boxes.

And here is an example of how a unique design of the dining area can be a highlight and the main decorative accent in the interior of the kitchen. A graceful table on a curly white leg with a round transparent top is superbly complemented by transparent chairs and a luxurious white dinner set.

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Summing up all the above, remember that the sense of proportion in the design of any room - first of all. And if you are not confident in your own design capabilities, it is better to consult a specialist.

corner kitchen cabinet design ideas 2018

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Repair of kitchen space is always a stumbling block for owners, both small-sized apartments, and spacious private houses. Too many elements of the interior need to be taken into account, many dilemmas to solve and plan the entire course of repair even at the stage of drawing up a sketch of the image of the room. 

But in most cases, all these solutions must be taken for a room of very modest size, often with a complicated geometry and an "original" arrangement of communication systems. In any case, one of the most important decisions is choosing the layout of the kitchen set. 

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

After all, how the storage systems are located, working surfaces and built-in home appliances largely depends not only on the kitchen environment but its functionality, the convenience of operation of all the constituent and appearance of the corner kitchen.

Why choose a corner kitchen cabinet 2018

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

It is not by chance that the corner arrangement of the corner kitchen ensemble is so popular. It has several advantages:

Angular layout is suitable for almost any room in shape, any size;

the sides of the corner set may have different lengths, 

depending on the parameters of the corner kitchen space;

at the angular arrangement of the furniture ensemble, it is possible to integrate the maximum possible number of storage systems in the minimum area of the useful space of the kitchen;

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Even in a medium-sized kitchen, after installing a corner furniture ensemble, there is enough space to accommodate a dining group, a kitchen island or a peninsula that can serve as a place for meals.

If one of the corners of the kitchen is made up of window openings (this option is more often found in private houses, less often in new apartment layouts), then the most logical thing was to locate the sink in this zone. Washing at the window is the dream of many housewives. 

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

Routine kitchen processes are much more pleasant to perform, having the opportunity to admire the beautiful view from the window. And the level of natural lighting, in this case, is the maximum, which can not but have a beneficial effect on the quality of washing dishes and the performance of other work processes.

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

But in the kitchen space without windows in the corner of the room can effectively locate the sink. The advantage of the corner zone is that it has enough space for even a double wash. And any improvement of the key functional segments of the kitchen environment leads not only to saving time and effort, but also getting pleasure from routine work processes.

design of a dining area in the corner kitchen

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

As mentioned above, the corner layout of the kitchen ensemble allows you to leave a sufficient amount of useful space for the kitchen to install a dining group. But the size and shape of the room will depend on whether it will be a spacious dining table with comfortable chairs or a small console that is attached to the wall and allows only two members of the family to enjoy the meal. Dimensions and the modification of the dining group will also depend on the location (and number) of window and door openings.

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

In the foreign design projects of kitchen facilities, the use of the kitchen island is incredibly popular. Our compatriots also join this trend and on personal experience feel the advantages of using a stand-alone module, which can serve as an additional storage system, a place for integration of household appliances, installation of a sink, hob. 

New modern corner kitchen design ideas 2018

But in the context of our topic, the corner kitchen island interests us, first of all, as a module for organizing a place for meals. For these purposes, the countertop of the kitchen island can be extended both on one side (seating for two members of the family) and at the corner of the module (3-4 people can be seated, depending on the size of the countertop).

Another way to organize a place for meals is to use the countertop of the peninsula. Unlike the island, it is not an absolutely separate module and is attached to one side of the wall or a kitchen set. For premises with a small area (where there is not enough space for a kitchen island or a full-fledged dining group), the peninsula can be an excellent way of introducing additional storage systems and arranging a dining segment for two or three family members.

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